Ellen Wells

Ellen Wells


Ellen’s respect and love for the natural world was a direct result of being raised on a farm. Her father’s skill in crop cultivation and her mother’s flair for all things ornamental led to Ellen’s own interest in pursuing plant sciences in college and university. Armed with one liberal arts degree and one Master’s degree in horticulture, Ellen found her calling in writing about and communicating her knowledge of all things horticultural. 

Much of her career has been focused on the commercial trade audience – the folks who grow and sell all manner of horticultural goods – as a Senior Editor and Editor-at-Large for Ball Publishing. But she is equally adept at addressing a consumer gardening audience.

She has been writing blog posts, newspaper and magazine articles, press releases, and design and instructional pieces for herself and for many of horticulture’s biggest brand names.

The one thing Ellen truly appreciates about combining her love of horticulture with her knack for communication is that she is always learning something new. 

When time permits, she (attempts to) grow a vegetable garden, finding herself in an annual battle against the local bunnies and groundhogs. She is grateful for the flower-filled containers on her patio that somehow elude the wildlife surrounding her Southern New England home.