Ilana Goldowitz Jimenez
Ilana Goldowitz Jimenez is a scientific and agricultural writer with a B.S. in Plant Sciences from Cornell University and a PhD in Chemical Biology and Infectious Disease from Harvard University.
Latest articles by Ilana Goldowitz Jimenez
Croton Leaves Are Fading – Why Is My Croton Losing Its Color
Who doesn?t love the bright colors of croton plants? But sometimes the bright colors on a croton fade, leaving them with ordinary looking green leaves. It can be disappointing to notice a croton losing color. Learn how to remedy this in the article that follows.
By Ilana Goldowitz Jimenez
Jojoba Garden Uses – Tips On Using Jojoba Oil In The Garden
Horticultural oils include mineral oil and other petroleum derivatives as well as plant-derived oils accepted in organic farming and gardening. Jojoba oil is a natural, plant-based horticultural oil. Learn more about jojoba pesticide in this article.
By Ilana Goldowitz Jimenez
Muehlenbeckia Wire Vine Info: Tips For Growing Creeping Wire Vine
Creeping wire vine is an uncommon garden plant that can grow equally well as a houseplant, in an outdoor container, or as a mat-forming ground cover. If you?re wondering how to grow Muehlenbeckia, this article will tell you what you need to know.
By Ilana Goldowitz Jimenez
Growing Deutzia Plants: A Guide To Deutzia Plant Care
If you are looking for a shrub that can bloom in shade, the graceful deutzia might be the plant for you. This mound-shaped shrub?s abundant flowers and flexible growing conditions are definite pluses for many gardeners. Learn more in this article.
By Ilana Goldowitz Jimenez
Identifying Zone 9 Weeds – How To Manage Weeds In Zone 9 Landscapes
Let's face it, we all deal with weeds at some point. Eradicating weeds can be a difficult task, and it helps to know what you are dealing with. This article will help you learn to categorize and control common zone 9 weeds.
By Ilana Goldowitz Jimenez
Growing Ornamental Bananas – How To Grow A Red Banana Plant
There are many types of banana which produce copious amounts of fruit. But did you know there are also various types of the ornamental red banana plant too, specifically grown for their attractive red foliage color? Learn more about them here.
By Ilana Goldowitz Jimenez
Curved Leaf Yucca Growing: How To Grow Curved Leaf Yucca Plants
Unlike some yucca species, curved leaf yucca can grow in relatively cool and wet regions. A curved leaf yucca growing in a courtyard or a rock garden adds a decorative touch. Want to learn more about growing this plant? This article can help with that.
By Ilana Goldowitz Jimenez
Why Won’t My Cranberry Fruit – Reasons For No Fruit On A Cranberry Vine
Cranberries are a great groundcover, and they can also produce abundant fruit harvests. If your cranberry plants are producing few or no berries, there are several possibilities you'll need to consider. The following article can help with that.
By Ilana Goldowitz Jimenez
Geiger Tree Info: How To Grow Geiger Trees
If you live in a coastal region with salty soil, or if your property is exposed to direct salt spray, it can be difficult to find interesting landscape plants that will thrive. The Geiger tree (Cordia sebestena) might be the tree for you. Learn more in this article.
By Ilana Goldowitz Jimenez
What Causes Rotting Stalks In Celery: Tips For Treating Celery With Stalk Rot
People who make the attempt to row celery end up putting a lot of time into keeping it happy. That's why it's heartbreaking when your celery gets infected with a plant disease. Click here for information on one celery disease you may encounter - celery stalk rot.
By Ilana Goldowitz Jimenez
My Okra Is Rotting: What Causes Okra Blossom Blight
Okra flowers and fruits turn soft on the plants and develop a fuzzy appearance. This usually means that they've been infected with fungal okra blossom and fruit blight. Learn more about this common okra problem in this article.
By Ilana Goldowitz Jimenez
Onion Black Mold Info: Managing Black Mold On Onions
Moldy onions are a common problem both before and after harvest. Aspergillus niger is a common cause of black mold on onions, including moldy spots, streaks or patches. The same fungus causes black mold on garlic, too. Learn more about it in this article.
By Ilana Goldowitz Jimenez
Why Won't My Okra Bloom – What To Do For Okra With No Flowers
Okra is a great garden plant for warm and hot climates. In addition to the okra pods, you get to enjoy the flowers. Sometimes, though, gardeners find themselves with a large and seemingly healthy okra plant that has no flowers or fruit. Learn more here.
By Ilana Goldowitz Jimenez
Macaw Palm Info: How To Grow Macaw Palm Trees
The macaw palm is a salt-tolerant tropical palm native to the Caribbean islands of Martinique and Dominica. Similar in appearance to the queen palm, with exception to thorns that cover its trunk, this tree is relatively easy to grow in suitable areas. Learn more here.
By Ilana Goldowitz Jimenez
Pawpaw Cutting Propagation: Tips On Rooting Pawpaw Cuttings
The pawpaw is a tasty and unusual fruit. But the fruits are rarely sold in stores, so if there are no wild trees in your area, the only way to get the fruit is usually to grow it yourself. A common question is if you can propagate the tree from cuttings. Find out here.
By Ilana Goldowitz Jimenez
What Is English Hawthorn – How To Grow English Hawthorn Trees
English hawthorn is a prolific flower producer in spring. This tree is a beautiful sight when covered with its impressive flowers in shades of white, pink, or red. Learn more about English hawthorn care in this article.
By Ilana Goldowitz Jimenez
Guava Tree Pruning – How Do I Prune My Guava Tree
Guavas are a group of tropical trees in the Psidium genus that produce delicious fruit. Properly pruning a guava tree is an important part of its care. If you?re wondering how or when to prune guava trees, this article is for you.
By Ilana Goldowitz Jimenez
Knock Out Roses For Zone 9: Tips For Growing Knock Out Roses In Zone 9 Gardens
Zone 9 is the hottest zone in which some Knock Outs can grow, while others can grow in zone 10 or even 11. So, what Knock Out rose varieties can a zone 9 gardener choose from? Click the article that follows to learn more.
By Ilana Goldowitz Jimenez