Jackie Carroll
Jackie Carroll has written over 500 articles for Gardening Know How on a wide range of topics.
Latest articles by Jackie Carroll
Dividing Calla Lilies - How And When To Divide Callas
Calla lilies are handsome enough to grow for their foliage alone, but when the bold, single-petaled flowers unfurl, they are sure to attract attention. Learn how to divide these dramatic, tropical plants in this article.
By Jackie Carroll
Eliminate Rats In Gardens - Control Tips And Deterrents For Rats In Gardens
Rats are clever animals. Because they are experts at hiding, you may not see rats in the garden, so it?s important to learn how to recognize signs of their presence. This article will help with that.
By Jackie Carroll
Gray Mold Control: Learn About The Treatment Of Botrytis Blight
Botytris blight, also called gray mold, attacks almost any ornamental plant. Read this article to learn more about botrytis blight symptoms and gray mold control in your garden.
By Jackie Carroll
Care Of Beautyberry: How To Grow American Beautyberry Shrubs
Grow the gorgeous beautyberry for its foliage and stunning purple berries. It works well in borders and anywhere you want a pop of beautiful color.
By Jackie Carroll
Colorado Blue Spruce Planting Guide: Tips On Caring For Colorado Spruce
The names Colorado spruce, blue spruce and Colorado blue spruce tree all refer to the same magnificent tree?Pica pungens. Read here for information on how to grow a Colorado blue spruce.
By Jackie Carroll
What Is Boxwood Blight: Boxwood Blight Symptoms And Treatment
Boxwood blight is relatively new plant disease that ruins the appearance of boxwoods and pachysandras. You can get additional information and find out about the prevention and treatment of boxwood blight in this article.
By Jackie Carroll
What Is Blister Bush And What Does The Blister Bush Look Like
A close encounter with blister bush seems innocent enough, but two or three days after contact, serious symptoms set in. Find out more about this dangerous plant and how to protect yourself in this article. Click here for additional information.
By Jackie Carroll
What Is Black Canker – Learn About Black Canker Treatment
Black canker disease can seriously disfigure trees, especially willows. Find out how to keep your trees healthy, and what to do about treating black canker disease in this article. Click here for more information.
By Jackie Carroll
American Bittersweet Vine: Tips For Growing Bittersweet Plants
Bittersweet vines are North American native plants that thrive throughout most of the U.S. Find out how to grow them in the home landscape by reading the article that follows.
By Jackie Carroll
Alcoholic Flux Treatment: Tips For Preventing Alcoholic Flux In Trees
If you've noticed frothy-like foam seeping from your tree, then it has likely been affected by alcoholic flux. While there is no real treatment, preventing alcoholic flux may help. Read here to learn more.
By Jackie Carroll
What Is An Alder Tree: Information About Alder Trees
Alder trees are seldom seen in residential landscapes, but these handsome plants make excellent shade trees and screening shrubs. Read this article for more information on alder trees in the landscape.
By Jackie Carroll
Japanese Lilac Information: What Is A Japanese Lilac Tree
Japanese tree lilac is available as a multi-stemmed shrub or a tree with a single trunk. Both forms have a lovely shape that looks great in shrub borders or as specimens. Find tips for growing them in this article.
By Jackie Carroll
Enabled Garden Design - Learn About Gardening With Disabilities
What happens as we age or become ill and we suddenly become unable to provide for the garden that?s given us so much? Keep going and create an enabled garden design! This article will help.
By Jackie Carroll
Billbug Lawn Treatment – Tips On Controlling Billbugs In Lawns
Billbugs are destructive insects that can ruin a lawn. The grubs begin feeding in the grass stems, gradually working their way down to the roots, killing the grass blade by blade. Find out about billbug lawn treatment in this article.
By Jackie Carroll
Problems Growing Tomatillos – What To Do When Tomatillos Are Too Small
Problems with tomatillos are often the result of poor pollination. If your tomatillos are small or if you have empty husks, we have the solution! Use the information found in this article to find the answers for undersized tomatillos.
By Jackie Carroll
My Venus Flytrap Is Turning Black: What To Do When Flytraps Turn Black
Venus flytraps are enjoyable and entertaining plants. Their needs and growing conditions are quite different from those of other houseplants. Find out what this unique plant needs to stay strong and healthy, and what to do when Venus flytraps are turning black in this article.
By Jackie Carroll
Cold Hardy Peach Trees: Choosing Peach Trees For Zone 4 Gardens
Many people are surprised to learn that northern gardeners can grow peaches. The key is to plant trees suited to the climate. Use the information found in this article to find out about growing cold hardy peach trees in zone 4 gardens.
By Jackie Carroll
Cold Hardy Grasses: Choosing Ornamental Grasses For Zone 4 Gardens
What adds sound and movement to the garden as well as a graceful beauty no other class of plants can top? Ornamental grasses! Find out about zone 4 ornamental grasses in this article. Click here to get started.
By Jackie Carroll