Kathee Mierzejewski
Kathee Mierzejewski was with Gardening Know How in the very beginning, writing many of the site's foundational articles.
Latest articles by Kathee Mierzejewski
Growing Snap Peas - How To Grow Snap Peas
Sugar snap peas are a cool season, frost hardy vegetable. When growing snap peas, they are meant to be harvested and eaten with both pods and peas. Learn more in the article that follows.
By Kathee Mierzejewski
Reasons For An Apricot Tree Not Producing
Apricots are fruits that can be grown by anyone. While easily grown, however, there are times when fruiting doesn't occur. This article explains why the non-fruiting of apricots may happen.
By Kathee Mierzejewski
How To Protect Fruit Trees From Birds
Birds can do so much damage to fruit trees, especially once the fruit ripens. There are plenty of things you can do to protect fruit trees from birds and this article will help. Click here to learn more.
By Kathee Mierzejewski
Pollinate Squash By Hand - Instructions For How To Pollinate Squash By Hand
Most of the time, when you plant squash, you have bees that come around to pollinate the blossoms. However, sometimes you have to do it yourself. You can hand pollinate squash by following a few simple steps in this article.
By Kathee Mierzejewski
Information On Dutchman's Pipe Pruning And When To Prune Dutchman's Pipe Vine
The dutchman's pipe plant can be pruned anytime you want to get rid of too many new shoots or old wood. There are also specific times of year to prune, however. This article can help with that.
By Kathee Mierzejewski
Causes Of Misshaped Cucumbers
Every garden should have cucumbers. They grow easily and usually don't give anyone any trouble. However, once in a while, you end up with misshaped cucumbers. Learn why this happens here.
By Kathee Mierzejewski
Bacterial Wilt Of Cucumbers
If you are wondering why your cucumber plants are wilting, you might want to look for bugs. The bacterium that causes wilt in cucumber plants usually overwinters in the belly of the striped cucumber beetle. Learn more here.
By Kathee Mierzejewski
Is Bark Shedding From A Crepe Myrtle Tree Normal?
The crepe myrtle tree is a beautiful tree that enhances any landscape. One thing that is really interesting, however, is when you find crepe myrtle bark shedding. Find out if this is normal in this article.
By Kathee Mierzejewski
Pruning Avocado Trees: Trimming An Avocado Houseplant
The average outdoor avocado tree can grow to be 40 to 80 feet (12-24 m.) tall. However, you can enjoy a smaller version inside your home with little fuss. Read this article for help with pruning avocados indoors.
By Kathee Mierzejewski
Planting Okra: How To Grow Okra
Okra is a wonderful vegetable that is used in all sorts of soups and stews. It is pretty versatile, but not a lot of people actually grow it. If you are thinking about planting okra, read here for growing tips.
By Kathee Mierzejewski
How To Grow Corn - How To Grow Your Own Corn
Corn is one of the most popular vegetables you could grow in your garden. Everyone loves corn on the cob on a hot summer day drizzled with butter. Find tips on growing corn in the garden here.
By Kathee Mierzejewski
Growing Tomatillo Plants In Your Garden
If you've ever seen one, you probably wonder, "What is a tomatillo?" Tomatillo plants are native to Mexico. Read this article to learn more about these plants and get tips for growing tomatillos in the garden.
By Kathee Mierzejewski
Tips For Turnips Growing In Your Garden
Like any root vegetable, turnips do well along with carrots and radishes. They are easy and can be planted either in the spring or in the late summer. Look at how to grow turnips in this article.
By Kathee Mierzejewski
How To Grow Kohlrabi - Growing Kohlrabi In Your Garden
Growing kohlrabi is not the hardest thing in the world. Kohlrabi is actually somewhat easy to grow. The following article explains how to grow kohlrabi in the garden so you can enjoy the tasty crop and its benefits.
By Kathee Mierzejewski
Growing Sweet Corn In The Garden: Everything You Need To Know
Sweet corn plants are definitely a warm season crop. Planting sweet corn is easy enough, and soon enough throughout the summer you can be eating fresh corn on the cob. This article will help get you started.
By Kathee Mierzejewski
Growing Beets - How To Grow Beets In The Garden
Many people wonder about beets and if they can grow them at home. Growing beets is done for both the red root and the young greens. Lear how to grow beets in the garden in the article that follows.
By Kathee Mierzejewski
How To Get Rid Of Nightshade
If you want to know how to get rid of nightshade, you need to remember that it can be difficult but it is not impossible. Use the info found in this article to get rid of nightshade in the garden.
By Kathee Mierzejewski
Summer Squash Planting: How To Grow Summer Squash
The summer squash plant is a versatile plant that can include so many different types of squash from yellow squash to zucchini. Growing summer squash is similar to growing any other type of vining plants. Learn more here.
By Kathee Mierzejewski