Stan V. Griep
Stan V. Griep contributed to Gardening Know How for many years, and has been a Colorado Native Rosarian for over four decades. He is an American Rose Society Certified Consulting Master Rosarian in the Rocky Mountain District, and a member of the Denver Rose Society, the Loveland Rose Society, and the American Rose Society. He is an award-winning floral photographer, and has published several books of rose photography. He is Gardening Know How's in-house expert on all things roses.
Latest articles by Stan V. Griep
Heirloom Rose Bushes - Locating Old Garden Roses For Your Garden
If you grew up with a grandmother or mother that loved and grew roses, then you might just remember the name of her favorite rose bush. Some of those old garden rose bushes can be found in this article.
By Stan V. Griep
Training Climbing Roses – How To Get A Climbing Rose To Climb
Paying attention to your climbing rose bush will pay off. A little TLC and training will help them grow vertically instead of horizontally.
By Stan V. Griep
Roses Have Holes In Leaves: Why Do My Roses Have Holes In The Leaves
Do your rose leaves have holes in them? This happens more often than you might think. While finding roses with holes can be frustrating, there are a number of reasons this can occur and most are quite fixable. This article will help.
By Stan V. Griep
Identifying Rose Slugs And Effective Rose Slug Treatment
In this article we will take a look at rose slugs. Rose slugs have two main members when it comes to this family of slugs, so the particular variety and damage done will typically tell which one you have.
By Stan V. Griep
Yellow Knock Out Rose Leaves: What Makes Rose Leaves Turn Yellow
The yellowing of leaves on a Knock Out rose bush can mean something is not right with its health and well-being. It can also be a normal occurrence for the bush. We need to check things out to determine which signal the rose is sending us. This article will help.
By Stan V. Griep
Removing Rose Suckers – Tips On How To Get Rid Of Rose Suckers
In the rose bed, suckers are ornery growths that spring out of the hardy rootstock of grafted rose bushes, just below the grafted knuckle union. Learn more about sucker growth on roses in this article and find tips on getting rid of them.
By Stan V. Griep
Common Knock Out Rose Problems: Diseases Of Knock Out Roses
Knock Out rose bushes are known for being disease resistant and nearly carefree. However, even these rose bushes can succumb to some of the same diseases that plaque other rose bushes. Learn more about these potential problems here.
By Stan V. Griep
What To Grow Under Roses: Tips For Growing Plants Under Rose Bushes
Whether you're looking for ways to improve the look of your rose garden or trying to help encourage beneficial insects to the area, it's sometimes necessary to add plants that grow well under roses. So what to grow under roses, you ask. Click here to learn more.
By Stan V. Griep
Roses And Deer – Do Deer Eat Rose Plants And How To Save Them
Deer do indeed love the beautiful, succulent growth they find in those meadows and valleys, but they cannot resist a rose garden if there is one close by. Learn how to fix deer damage and prevent more in this article. Click here for more info.
By Stan V. Griep
Rose Deformity Info: What Causes Deformed Rose Growth
If you've ever come across unusual rose deformities in the garden, then you are probably curious about what causes deformed rose growth. Read this article to find out common reasons for a rose deformity.
By Stan V. Griep
Multiflora Rose Control: Tips On Managing Multiflora Roses In The Landscape
Some roses are unable to survive in many harsh conditions, thus comes the need to graft them onto a root system of another hardy rosebush. Multiflora rose fits that need, BUT comes with a dark side - multiflora roses can become invasive. Learn more here.
By Stan V. Griep
Wax Dipped Roses: Tips On Preserving Rose Flowers With Wax
Special moments in life captured with the gift of roses are items that we wish to hold onto for as long as possible. One way to preserve them is with wax dipped roses. Take a look at how to preserve roses with wax in this article.
By Stan V. Griep
Rose Cane Gall Facts: Learn About Cynipid Wasps And Roses
If you've noticed peculiar growths any peculiar growths on rose bush canes with little spikes coming out like new rose thorns forming, then you just might have rose cane galls. Click this article for more information on Cynipid wasps and roses.
By Stan V. Griep
What Is Stenting: Information On Stenting Rose Bushes
A recent email concerned a process called "stenting". I had not heard of the term before and decided it was something I needed to learn more about. For more information on rose stunting, click this article and see what I learned.
By Stan V. Griep