Composting Basics
Composting is an important part of sustainable gardening. It breaks down kitchen and yard waste, and it naturally adds nutrients and organic material back into your soil. Learn all the basics of composting, from how to start a compost pile, to maintaining it, to working it back into your garden.
How To Start A Compost Bin Or Pile In Your Backyard – Everything You Need To Know
Composting is great for your garden and easy to learn. Start a compost pile or bin today with our expert step-by-step guide.
By Teo Spengler
8 Ways To Speed Up Composting: Easy Solutions For An Organic Garden
Homemade compost is a mainstay of organic gardening, but it can take a year or more to develop. Learn how to accelerate composting, without sacrificing quality.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Urban Composting Guide: How To Compost In The Middle Of The City
Urban composting does not have to be daunting. You can compost in the city, and maybe even try some urban worm composting!
By Mary Ellen Ellis
Composting Fruit And Vegetable Waste – Should You Cut Up Compost Scraps
Should you cut up compost scraps? Shredding scraps for composting is a common practice, but you may have wondered if this practice is necessary or even effective. Click this article to find out more about composting fruit and vegetable waste.
By Ilana Goldowitz Jimenez
Learn About Fast Ways To Compost: Tips On How To Make Compost Faster
Making kitchen scraps and yard waste into compost faster can be done with a few tips and some good practices. Let's learn how to make compost faster and have a good cycle of consistent plant material with the information found in this article.
By Bonnie L. Grant
How To Reduce Food Waste In Landfills By Composting
Click here to learn how to reduce food waste in landfills by composting as well as info on what happens to food in landfills.
By Amy Grant
In-Garden Composting Techniques And Tips
Click here to learn how to compost directly in the garden as well as some in-garden compost techniques.
By Bonnie L. Grant
What Is Drunken Composting – How To Make Drunken Compost
More and more of us are composting, but the time it takes to turn into something usable may seem like an eternity. That’s where drunken composting comes into play. What is drunken composting? Yes, it has to do with beer – kind of. Learn about this compost accelerator here.
By Amy Grant
How To Make Compost In-Ground
Do you feel guilty throwing kitchen scraps in the trash? There’s a way to compost without big piles – burying it! Click to learn more.
By Laura Miller
How To Compost In A 5 Gallon Bucket
Is it possible to make compost in a bucket? Click here to learn about making compost in a space as small as a five gallon bucket.
By Laura Miller
My Compost Is Too Hot: What To Do About Overheated Compost Piles
The optimum temperature for compost to process is 160 degrees Fahrenheit (71 C). In sunny hot climates where the pile hasn't been turned recently, higher temperatures can happen. Can compost get too hot? Find out here.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Composting Structures: Learn About Turning Units For Composts
Turning units for compost need to have a way to mix the organic material. These may be barrel units or simple 3-bin units. Composting structures such as these can be built by even a novice as long as looks aren't important. This article will help.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Keeping Compost Bins Clean: How To Clean A Compost Bin
By Mary Ellen Ellis
Balcony Composting Info – Can You Compost On A Balcony
Composting is a great way to reuse kitchen scraps. But can you compost on a balcony? The answer is yes, click here to learn how.
By Laura Miller
Compost Spreading Tools For Farmers And Gardeners
Small garden or farm field, you’ll probably want to use a spreader at some point to distribute compost. Read about different kinds of equipment before you buy.
By Susan Albert
How To Add Compost To Established Garden Beds
Adding compost is a key component to healthy soil for vegetables, flowers, fruits and lawns. Learn how and when to add it to your soil.
By Bonnie L. Grant
When And How To Harvest Compost
How do you harvest compost? Click the following to find out.
By Mary Ellen Ellis