There are many types of peppers that can be grown in the garden. So many, in fact, that you are certain to find one that suits your particular needs, even if it’s in a container. The care of pepper plants is easy once you know how to handle common pepper plant problems that are likely to crop up. To avoid most pepper plant problems, we have included lots of handy information for growing peppers successfully. Keep reading to learn all about the care of pepper plants and the different types of peppers you can grow.
The Secret To Growing Jalapeños Indoors
Growing jalapeños indoors is a fun and yummy idea for all kinds of cooking. Pluck your spicy peppers all year, right at your fingertips.
By Susan Albert
How To Overwinter Pepper Plants – For A Head Start On Next Year's Garden
You probably won't get any peppers, but if you keep your pepper plant alive in the winter, you'll get a big head start on next year's season.
By Heather Rhoades
Jalapeño Plant Care - How To Grow Jalapeño Peppers
Plant jalapeños when the ground is warm and you'll be rewarded with delicious heat all summer long.
By Susan Patterson
Pepper Blossoms Falling Off The Plant
No flowers on pepper plants? This is a common complaint when growing peppers. There are several reasons this happens. Read here to learn why a pepper drops the flower bud or why you have no flowers on pepper plants.
By Nikki Tilley
Common Pepper Plant Problems – Pepper Plant Diseases And Pests
Pepper plants are easy to grow, but once in a while a problem will arise. Click here for common pepper pests, diseases, and more.
By Caroline Bloomfield
Peppers That Aren’t Hot: Growing Different Types Of Sweet Peppers
Hot peppers are popular with their varied colors, shapes and heat indexes. But let's not forget about the various types of sweet peppers. For those folks who prefer peppers that aren't hot, click this article to find out about the different kinds of sweet peppers.
By Amy Grant
Dragon’s Breath Peppers: Learn About Dragon’s Breath Pepper Plants
Dragon's Breath pepper plants are one of the hottest available. They’ve even beat out Carolina reaper peppers. Learn more about them here.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Can You Eat An Ornamental Pepper?
Learn about pretty ornamental peppers and varieties that you can try, indoors and out.
By Laura Miller
Habanero Plant - How To Grow Habanero Pepper
Gardeners with a taste for spicy food should try to grow one of the hottest peppers, the habanero. Growing habanero peppers is not difficult, nor is their care. Read this article to get growing tips for habanero peppers.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Worms On Peppers: What Is Eating My Peppers?
When it comes to pepper plants, there are many different pepper pests. If you are having trouble with your pepper plants, this article might help with which pepper pests you are dealing with and the appropriate treatment.
By Liz Baessler
Pepper Herbicide Damage: Can Peppers Be Damaged By Herbicides
Herbicides are potent weed killers, so if a chemical poisons a weed, there is a good chance it will damage other plants too. Pepper herbicide injury is especially possible if you apply these chemicals in your garden. Learn more in this article.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
Southern Blight Of Pepper Plants – Managing Peppers With Southern Blight
Pepper southern blight is a serious and destructive fungal infection that attacks pepper plants at the base. Getting rid of the fungus is nearly impossible, so prevention is key, along with using management measures if the infection strikes your garden. Learn more here.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
How And When To Pick Hot Peppers For Peak Spiciness – Top Tips For A Hot Harvest
So you have a lovely crop of hot peppers thriving in the garden, but when do you pick them? There are several things to consider before you begin harvesting hot peppers. The following article discusses options for harvest and storage of hot peppers.
By Amy Grant
Why Are Peppers Damping Off – Managing Damping Off In Peppers
It can be heartbreaking when your tiny pepper seedlings don't make it past their early stages, flopping over and withering away. This problem is called damping off, and it's a real problem with vegetable seedlings. Learn how to prevent pepper damping off here.
By Liz Baessler
Storing Chili Peppers - How To Dry Hot Peppers
The end-of-season bumper crop is often more than you can use fresh or give away. Drying peppers is a good and easy method of how to store peppers for months. Learn how to store peppers by drying in this article.
By Bonnie L. Grant
What Causes Peppers To Fall Off The Plant
Pepper plants can be finicky. One year it's a bumper crop and the next - Bupkis! One of the main complaints about growing peppers are those baby peppers falling off plants when everything else looks fine. Learn more here.
By Jackie Rhoades
Browning Pepper Leaves: Why Are Leaves Turning Brown On Pepper Plants
One of the more common problems found on peppers is brown pepper plant foliage. Click this article to find out what causes a pepper plant with brown leaves and how to remedy leaves turning brown on pepper plants.
By Amy Grant