Composting Basics
Composting is an important part of sustainable gardening. It breaks down kitchen and yard waste, and it naturally adds nutrients and organic material back into your soil. Learn all the basics of composting, from how to start a compost pile, to maintaining it, to working it back into your garden.
Heat And Compost - Heating Up Compost Piles
To destroy weed seeds and decompose matter more quickly in compost, the proper temperature must be met. To learn more about heating up compost effectively, continue reading this article.
By Jackie Rhoades
Where Do Pot Worms Come From - Compost Garden Soil Has Worms
While not a direct threat to compost, finding pot worms wriggling around means other beneficial worms aren't well. Changing the conditions of the compost may be required. This article has more information.
By Anne Baley
Compost Enhancing Bacteria: Information On Beneficial Bacteria Found In Garden Compost
Most bacteria found in compost are responsible for breaking down organic matter. As such they are considered beneficial and necessary for healthy compost. Read this article to learn more.
By Susan Patterson
Lasagna Composting - How To Layer Sod For A Lasagna Compost Garden
Sod layering, like lasagna composting, is an easy way to break down grass and turn the area into a planting bed. Learning how to layer sod in compost is simple. Read the following article to learn more.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Best Compost Bins: Tips For Choosing The Perfect Compost Bin
By Susan Patterson
Dealing With Flies In The Compost: Should I Have A Lot Of Flies In My Compost?
Your compost bin is filled with kitchen scraps, manure, and other spoiled vegetable matter, so a logical question would be, "Should I have a lot of flies in my compost?" The answer is yes and no. Read more here.
By Anne Baley
What Is Ericaceous Compost: Information And Plants For Acidic Compost
The term "Ericaceous" refers to a family of plants in the Ericaceae family - plants that grow primarily in infertile or acidic growing conditions. But what is ericaceous compost? Read this article to learn more about ericaceous compost.
By Mary H. Dyer
Animals And Bugs In Compost - Preventing Compost Bin Animal Pests
If you have a compost pile, you likely have some bugs. Although some are normal, they can get out of hand. Poor maintenance can also invite unwanted animal pests. Learn how to fix these issues in this article.
By Susan Patterson
Winter Composting: How To Keep Compost Over Winter
A healthy compost pile needs to be kept up all year long, including winter. Keep reading this article for tips on winter composting so you can take advantage of its beneficial uses in the garden.
By Susan Patterson
Compost vs. Humus: Why Is Humus Important In The Garden
One myth that we need to stop feeding or circulating is the one where we declare that compost is humus. So "what is the difference between humus and compost?" and "how is humus used in gardens?" you ask? Click here to get the dirt about compost vs. humus.
By Shelley Pierce
Managing Compost Odors: How To Keep An Odorless Compost Bin
Keeping an odorless compost bin takes a little effort. Managing compost odors means balancing the nitrogen and carbon in the material and keeping the pile moderately moist and aerated. Click here for more information to avoid stinky compost.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Turning Compost – How To Speed Up The Process By Aerating Your Pile
Compost is one of the greatest assets in the garden. To make the most of it in the shortest amount of time, turning the pile regularly is necessary. Keep reading this article for more info.
By Heather Rhoades
Compost Smells Bad: How To Fix Bad Smelling Compost
A properly balanced compost pile should not smell badly. However, when your compost stinks, you do have options. Keep reading this article for information on how to fix stinky compost.
By Heather Rhoades
Making Compost Indoors - How To Compost In The Home
When you think about composting, an outdoor bin is what likely comes to mind, but can you compost indoors? You betcha! Read this article to learn more about how to make compost in the home.
By Amy Grant
My Compost Tea Stinks: What To Do When Compost Tea Smells Bad
Using compost with water as an extract for plants has been used for hundreds of years. Today, most people make brewed compost tea rather than an extract. But what happens if your compost tea smells bad? Click here to find out.
By Amy Grant