Composting Manures
Composting with manure is not a new concept, though the various types of manures for composting may be, and there are many. Composting manure piles is a great way to produce healthy soil, which produces healthy plants. The following information for composting manures will help get you started. In addition to learning how to compost with manure, you will find tips for using manure tea gathered from your composting manure piles and the different types of manures for composting, including where to get them and how to use them.
How To Use Bat Guano As A Fertilizer
Bat dung makes an excellent fertilizer for the garden. This article provides information on how to use bat guano as fertilizer so you can take advantage of its beneficial properties. Click here to learn more.
By Nikki Tilley
Bat Manure Compost Tea: Using Bat Guano Tea In Gardens
Compost tea has been used for centuries to encourage soil and plant health. Clean compost and worm castings used solely or in conjunction are common tea bases, but you can also try making bat guano tea mix with help from this article.
By Amy Grant
Composting Turkey Litter: Fertilizing Plants With Turkey Manure
If you have soil in need of nitrogen, turkey manure compost is one of the best choices you can make. Learn more about how to use turkey litter in the garden by reading this article.
By Anne Baley