Composting is the way to turn your kitchen and garden scraps into pure gold for your garden. The payoff is huge, but it does take some know how to get it right. We've got vermicomposting, compost use and maintenance, manure composting, and what you can and can't add to your compost pile.
Explore Composting
Composting Human Waste: Using Human Waste As Compost
In an era of environmental consciousness and sustainable living, it may seem that composting human waste makes sense. The topic is highly debatable, but most experts agree that using human waste as compost is a bad idea. Click here for more info.
By Mary H. Dyer
Managing Compost Odors: How To Keep An Odorless Compost Bin
Keeping an odorless compost bin takes a little effort. Managing compost odors means balancing the nitrogen and carbon in the material and keeping the pile moderately moist and aerated. Click here for more information to avoid stinky compost.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Bad Vermiculture Odor: What to Do For Rotten Smelling Worm Bins
Smelly vermicompost is a very common problem for worm keepers and one that is easily remedied. Read this article to learn more about this problem and what can be done about it.
By Kristi Waterworth
Bat Manure Compost Tea: Using Bat Guano Tea In Gardens
Compost tea has been used for centuries to encourage soil and plant health. Clean compost and worm castings used solely or in conjunction are common tea bases, but you can also try making bat guano tea mix with help from this article.
By Amy Grant
Cold Climate Vermiculture: Learn About The Care Of Worms In Winter
If you live in a northern climate, winter worm composting will take a little more effort. The following article will provide tips and information for taking care of your worms in winter so they will make it through the cold.
By Anne Baley
Grass Clipping Composting: Making Compost With Grass Clippings
Knowing more about composting with grass clippings means that your overall compost pile will be better off. Composting grass is a great way to recycle vital nutrients. Learn more in this article.
By Heather Rhoades
Turning Compost – How To Speed Up The Process By Aerating Your Pile
Compost is one of the greatest assets in the garden. To make the most of it in the shortest amount of time, turning the pile regularly is necessary. Keep reading this article for more info.
By Heather Rhoades
Compost Smells Bad: How To Fix Bad Smelling Compost
A properly balanced compost pile should not smell badly. However, when your compost stinks, you do have options. Keep reading this article for information on how to fix stinky compost.
By Heather Rhoades
Can You Put Dryer Lint In Compost Piles: Learn About Composting Lint From Dryers
By Anne Baley
Can You Compost Nuts: Information About Nut Shells In Compost
One of the surprising ingredients you can use is nut shells in compost. This article provides information on how to go about composting nuts successfully, so click here for tips on composting nut shells.
By Anne Baley
Vermicomposting Pests: Preventing Fruit Flies In Worm Bins
Worm bins are one of the best gifts any gardener can give to themselves. Pests like fruit flies are all too common in vermicompost, but with a careful eye and some adjustments to your feeding practice, they?ll be gone in no time. Click here to learn more.
By Kristi Waterworth
Composting Turkey Litter: Fertilizing Plants With Turkey Manure
If you have soil in need of nitrogen, turkey manure compost is one of the best choices you can make. Learn more about how to use turkey litter in the garden by reading this article.
By Anne Baley
Making Compost Indoors - How To Compost In The Home
When you think about composting, an outdoor bin is what likely comes to mind, but can you compost indoors? You betcha! Read this article to learn more about how to make compost in the home.
By Amy Grant
Using Diseased Leaves In Compost: Can I Compost Diseased Plant Leaves
Composting diseased leaves is a controversial subject. Since there are such differing opinions on the matter, gardeners should decide for themselves if adding diseased leaves in compost is right for them. This article explains more.
By Darcy Larum
Vermiculture Pest Control: Reasons For Insect Pests In Worm Bins
Pests and bugs in vermicompost are a common problem, but these worm bin pests can be eliminated by manipulating the environment to make it less friendly to them. Read here to learn more.
By Kristi Waterworth
Composting Hay: Learn How To Compost Hay Bales
Using hay in compost piles has its advantages. Learn what these are to reap the benefits and how to effectively compost hay for use in the garden by reading this article. Click here now for more information.
By Anne Baley
My Compost Tea Stinks: What To Do When Compost Tea Smells Bad
Using compost with water as an extract for plants has been used for hundreds of years. Today, most people make brewed compost tea rather than an extract. But what happens if your compost tea smells bad? Click here to find out.
By Amy Grant