Best Fruit Trees To Grow Indoors: Bring More Fruit Undercover

Knowing the best fruit trees to grow indoors can expand your potential range of fruit harvests – and add interest and color to indoor spaces. We show you how to make more of fruit trees undercover

tangerine tree in container
(Image credit: Nora Tarvus / Alamy)

Can you grow fruit trees indoors? The simple answer is yes, but the best fruit trees to grow indoors can present a few unique challenges. Still, that doesn’t mean this is something you should avoid fruit tree garden ideas that are best under glass. It is entirely possible to grow certain fruit trees indoors if you are careful to meet the tree’s cultural needs and position it in the best possible location. Ready to give it a try? Pick from among the easiest fruit trees to grow indoors, and let’s get started!

1. Grow Fruit Trees As Houseplants

Meyer lemon tree growing in container

(Image credit: Tetra Images / Getty Images)

While it is more common to see fruit trees in a home orchard, growing fruit trees as houseplants sometimes works well. The most important first step is to select a type of tree that grows well inside. Most of the best fruit trees to grow indoors are dwarf varieties that won’t grow to the roof, like the Meyer lemon.

2. Try Dwarf Fruit Trees

potted dwarf orange tree

(Image credit: Sophie McAulay / Alamy)

Chances are you’ll be planning on growing indoor fruit trees in containers. You’ll want to select a container size that is quite large, but not so large that it can’t be moved if and when necessary. Remember that all that soil plus the tree will make the container heavier than it is when you buy it and plan accordingly. Regular fruit trees might have a hard time thriving in pots, which makes dwarf fruit tree varieties the way to go.

3. Cultivate a Potted Indoor Papaya

papaya fruit freshly harvested

(Image credit: Mariia Zotova / Getty Images)

That doesn’t mean that you are limited to dwarf lemon trees. If you are wondering “What fruits can I grow indoors?” the good news is you can try growing exotic fruit indoors if you want to. One such tantalizing exotic is papaya, which can thrive in a pot as long as you can mimic tropical growing conditions, like lots of sun and very warm temperatures. You can even start one from a papaya seed.

4. Grow An Indoor Lemon Tree

lemon tree growing in a pot

(Image credit: EQRoy / Alamy)

Easy fruit trees to grow indoors are undoubtedly citrus. My personal favorite tree to grow as a houseplant is a Meyer lemon. Growing an lndoor lemon tree is an excellent option, with their fragrant blossoms, dark leaves and bright yellow fruit. Those who live in cold winter climates, however, will do better bringing dwarf lemon trees indoors as houseplants. Note that lots of sun is required to get fruit.

5. Try a Fruit Tree Bonsai

potted fruit tree grown as bonsai

(Image credit: Mindfullness / Shutterstock)

As you search for the easiest fruit trees to grow indoors, consider a bonsai tree. Aren’t bonsai just dwarf trees? No, they are not. A bonsai is a regular tree but pruned to be miniature. The tree should look like a small version of the tree, with the natural tree shape intact. Many fruit trees are available in bonsai, including crabapple, cherry trees and some types of orange. Yes, bonsai trees bear regular size fruit.

6. Try a Trovita Orange Tree

trovita orange tree growing in pot

(Image credit: Emer1940 / Getty Images)

Have you ever heard of the Trovita orange tree? Maybe not, unless you live in a hot desert climate. These citrus trees get to 30ft (9m) tall outdoors, but Trovita dwarf orange trees top out at 10ft (3m), but can be kept shorter with pruning. It is a top option for anyone wishing to grow citrus houseplants, since they don’t require blazing hot temperatures to set fruit.

7. Cultivate a Guava Tree Indoors

guava fruits growing on tree

(Image credit: Andreswd / Getty Images)

Another one of the best fruit trees to grow indoors is the Guava tree. These trees grow well outdoors in the warmest hardiness zones, but they are also good choices for indoor growing. With appropriate care, indoor guava trees flower and set fruit as well. They need good drainage, a sunny location and appropriate fertilizer to produce a crop. Even so, don’t expect fruit for four or five years.

8. Nurture an Indoor Olive Tree

potted olive tree grown as houseplant

(Image credit: New Africa / Shutterstock)

Few crop trees are more stately and majestic than the olive, so how can people be using them as houseplants, you may be wondering? There are two ways to grow olive houseplants: do a severe pruning every spring, or buy and plant a dwarf olive. Caring for olive trees inside is easy, since they tolerate dry air and dry soil as well. Plus, they are very attractive trees with narrow, gray-green leaves and summer flowers.

9. Grow Fruit Trees in a Greenhouse

tangerine tree growing in greenhouse

(Image credit: DimaBerlin / Shutterstock)

Can fruit trees grow indoors? As we’ve seen, it’s entirely possible. But it’s even easier for those who have a greenhouse. Yes, you can grow fruit trees in greenhouses, and many gardeners expand the range of their home orchard by using a greenhouse. It is easy if the greenhouse is set up for trees – that is, if the greenhouse is sufficiently tall and has a source of winter heat. Many types of warmth-loving fruit trees thrive in a greenhouse, including pears, peaches, bananas and oranges. Stay away from trees that need winter chill to fruit.

10. Try an Indoor Breadfruit Tree

breadfruit growing on tree

(Image credit: MT Photostock / Shutterstock)

Breadfruit is one of the lesser-known fruit trees in the United States, yet it is among the highest-producing food plants on the planet. One breadfruit tree can yield 200 or more fruits per season, each one the size of a grapefruit. These are eaten like potatoes, boiled steams, baked or fried. However, while the trees make interesting houseplants, you’ll have to keep the house very warm and very humid to hope for fruit.

Teo Spengler

Teo Spengler is a master gardener and a docent at the San Francisco Botanical Garden, where she hosts public tours. She has studied horticulture and written about nature, trees, plants, and gardening for more than two decades. Her extended family includes some 30 houseplants and hundreds of outdoor plants, including 250 trees, which are her main passion. Spengler currently splits her life between San Francisco and the French Basque Country, though she was raised in Alaska, giving her experience of gardening in a range of climates.