Apple trees are a great addition to the landscape and will provide an abundance of fresh fruit when given adequate apple tree care. They are one of the most popular fruit trees grown in the home garden but are among the most prone to pests and disease. Read on to learn how to recognize signs beforehand and take appropriate preventative measures for growing healthy apple trees.
Autumn Crisp Tree Info: How To Grow Autumn Crisp Apples
Beloved for their tolerance to a wide range of growing zones, fresh apples serve as the perfect sweet and tart fruit for home gardens. One variety of apple, ‘Autumn Crisp.’ is especially prized for its use in the kitchen and for fresh eating. Learn more about the fruit here.
By Tonya Barnett
Growing Ashmead’s Kernel Apples: Uses For Ashmead’s Kernel Apples
Ashmead's Kernel apples are traditional apples that were introduced into the U.K. in the early 1700s. Since that time, this ancient English apple has become a favorite across much of the world, and with good reason. Learn how to grow Ashmead's Kernel apples here.
By Mary H. Dyer
Apple Tree Cold Tolerance: What To Do With Apples In Winter
Winter apple tree maintenance starts well before winter. In summer and fall, you can take actions that make apple winter protection easier. Click on the following article for more information on apple tree winter care.
By Teo Spengler
Apple Chilling Info: How Many Chill Hours Do Apples Need
If you grow apple trees, then you are no doubt familiar with the chill hours for apple trees. For those of us who are new to cultivating apples, what exactly are apple chill hours? How many chill hours do apples need? Why do apple trees need chilling? Find out here.
By Amy Grant
Self-Fruiting Apple Trees: Learn About Apples That Pollinate Themselves
Apple trees are great assets to have in your backyard. While they're rare, there are actually some apples that pollinate themselves. Click the article that follows to learn more about including these self-fruiting apple trees in the landscape.
By Liz Baessler
Apple Tree Rooting: Learn About Planting Apple Tree Cuttings
Apples are usually grafted onto hardier rootstocks, but what about planting apple tree cuttings? Can you root apple tree cuttings? Starting apple tree cuttings is possible; however, you may not end up with the exact characteristics of the parent plant. Learn more here.
By Amy Grant
Thinning Out Apples: Learn How And When To Thin Apple Trees
Many apple trees thin themselves naturally to some extent but may hold onto to some of them. To get the largest, healthiest fruit from an apple tree, you occasionally need to give Mother Nature a hand and thin apple trees. Find out how to thin apple fruit in this article.
By Amy Grant
Best Apples For Canning, Drying And Preserving
Learn which apple varieties work best for different methods of preserving and cooking. Yum!
By Amy Grant
What Are Akane Apples: Learn About Akane Apple Care And Uses
Akane is a very appealing Japanese variety of apples that is prized for its disease resistance, crisp flavor, and early ripening. It is also quite cold hardy and attractive. Click on the following article to learn more about Akane apple care and Akane growing requirements.
By Liz Baessler
Armillaria Root Rot Treatment: Causes Of Armillaria Root Rot Of Apple Trees
Apples are practically synonymous with fall baking, but it's not all fun and games for the apple grower. Diseases like Armillaria root rot lurk just beneath the surface of the soil, creating substantial challenges to growing the perfect fall fruit. Learn more in this article.
By Kristi Waterworth
Winesap Apple Tree Care – Learn How To Grow Winesap Apples
Growing a Winesap apple tree provides a ready supply of these luscious fruit for eating off the tree, baking or juicing. If you?d like to learn how easy backyard Winesap apple trees can be, click here. We?ll give you lots of information plus tips on how to grow Winesap apples.
By Teo Spengler
Apple Russet Control: How To Prevent Russeting Of Apples
Russeting is a phenomenon that affects apples and pears, causing slightly harder patches of brown on the skin of the fruit. It doesn?t harm the fruit, but it?s not always welcome. Click this article to learn more about apple fruit russet and means of apple russet control.
By Liz Baessler
What Is Bot Rot In Apple: Tips On Managing Bot Rot Of Apple Trees
What is bot rot? It's the common name for Botryosphaeria canker and fruit rot, a fungal disease that damages apple trees. For more information about apples with bot rot, including information about managing bot rot of apples, this article will help.
By Teo Spengler
Apple Tree Root Rot – Reasons For Root Rot In Apple Trees
We love our apples and growing your own is a joy but not without its challenges. One disease that commonly afflicts apples is Phytophthora collar rot, also referred to as crown rot or collar rot. Learn more about it in this article.
By Amy Grant
Scab On Apple Trees: Identifying And Treating Apple Scab Fungus
Unfortunately, scab on apple trees is a common and serious problem. Read here to learn about controlling apple scab in your trees.
By Kristi Waterworth
What Is Sooty Blotch: Information On Sooty Blotch Treatment Of Apples
Growing apples is supposed to be easy, so what do you do if your entire crop turns black for no apparent reason? Read the following article to find out more about sooty blotch on apples.
By Kristi Waterworth
Apple Tree Burr Knots: What Causes Galls On Apple Tree Limbs
I always wondered about the knobby growths on the apple trees and have since discovered that there are a couple of things that can cause them. To learn more about what these are, this article will help with information about apple tree burr knots.
By Amy Grant