Citrus Trees
Citrus tree growing can be a great way to enjoy some of your favorite citrus treats. But what happens when problems arise while caring for citrus plants? Let us put these worries to bed by providing citrus tree information that can help identify and treat common citrus problems like pests and disease. Learning how to properly care for your citrus helps alleviate most issues.
Citrus Trees
Can You Grow Store Bought Oranges - Planting Grocery Store Orange Seeds
Anyone looking for a cool indoor gardening project may want to try growing an orange tree from seeds. Click here to learn how.
By Teo Spengler
Lime Tree Leaf Curl: What Causes Curling Leaves On Lime Trees
Your lime leaves are curling and you have no idea where to start treating them. Have no fear, there are many innocent causes of leaf curl on lime trees. Learn what to look for and how to handle common lime tree leaf curl problems in this article.
By Kristi Waterworth
Fruit Thinning In Citrus: Why Should You Thin Citrus Trees
Thinning fruit on citrus trees is a technique intended to produce better fruit. After thinning citrus fruits, each of the fruits that remain gets more water, nutrients, and elbow room. If you want to know how to thin citrus tree fruit, this article will help.
By Teo Spengler
Suckers On Lemon Trees: What Are Tree Shoots At Base Of Lemon Tree
Are you seeing small tree shoots at the base of your lemon tree or new strange-looking branches growing low on the tree trunk? These are most likely lemon tree sucker growth. Learn more about them in this article.
By Darcy Larum
Reasons And Fixes For Lime Tree Not Producing Blossoms Or Fruit
When a lime tree is not producing blossoms and fruit but still looks healthy, a lime tree owner can feel at a loss as to what to do. There are several issues that could be causing this. Learn about them here.
By Heather Rhoades
Transplanting A Lemon Tree – Best Time To Transplant Lemon Trees
Lemon tree transplanting is a tricky prospect. Find out when the right time is to transplant lemon trees and other helpful information of lemon tree transplanting in this article before you take on this task. Click here for additional information.
By Amy Grant
Harvesting Lemons - How Long Does A Lemon Take To Ripen
There is nothing fresher smelling or tasting than a ripe lemon from your own lemon tree. Harvesting lemons at the right time means checking your tree regularly. Read here for information on when to harvest lemons.
By Susan Patterson
Lemon Blossom Drop – Why Is My Lemon Tree Losing Flowers
Environmental consistency is essential to flower and fruit set of lemon trees. Any sudden change can cause fruit or flower drop on lemon trees. Have you found yourself wondering: why is my lemon tree losing flowers? Click on this article for more information.
By Darcy Larum
Citrus Fruit Information – What Are the Different Types Of Citrus Trees
There are many different types of citrus, each with their own particular citrus growing requirement and flavor nuances. Click on the following article to find out about different citrus tree varieties and other citrus fruit information.
By Amy Grant
Mycorrhiza In Citrus: What Causes Uneven Growth Of Citrus Fruit
Because of the positive mycorrhizal fungi effects on citrus, a lack or uneven spread of fungus can lead to unhealthy or lackluster trees and fruit. Learn more about mycorrhiza in citrus and mycorrhizal fungi fertilizer in this article.
By Liz Baessler
Hand Pollinating Lime Trees: How To Hand Pollinate A Lime Tree
Is your lime tree less than stellar in the pollination department? If your yield is meager, perhaps you have wondered if you can hand pollinate limes? This article will help you with hand pollination of lime trees.
By Amy Grant
Is Lime Fruit And Lime Blossoms Falling Off Tree Normal?
Lime blossoms falling off tree or lime tree dropping fruit can be alarming. Look at the possible causes for lime tree fruit drop or blossom drop in this article so you can fix the issue promptly.
By Heather Rhoades
The History Of Putting Oranges In Stockings For Christmas
Ever wondered about the history of putting oranges and other citrus in stockings for Christmas? Click here for the answers.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Chinese Box Orange: Characteristics And Caring For Severinia Buxifolia
Although the Chinese box orange doesn’t produce edible citrus fruit, it still has many positive attributes and can be a wonderful addition to the landscape. Click here to learn why you should consider planting box orange in your yard.
By Laura Miller
What Is A Ponderosa Lemon: Learn About Ponderosa Lemon Growing
An interesting specimen citrus tree is the dwarf Ponderosa lemon. What makes it so interesting? Read this article to find out what a Ponderosa lemon is and all about Ponderosa lemon growing. Click here for more info.
By Amy Grant
Dry Orange Fruit - Why An Orange Tree Produces Dry Oranges
There are few things more disappointing than watching oranges ripen only to cut into them and find that the oranges are dry and flavorless. There are many reasons for dry orange fruit, and this article will help.
By Heather Rhoades
What Is Ugli Fruit - How Is Ugli Fruit Grown
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and that couldn't be truer than in the case of Ugli fruit. Read on to learn more.
By Bonnie L. Grant