Citrus Trees
Citrus tree growing can be a great way to enjoy some of your favorite citrus treats. But what happens when problems arise while caring for citrus plants? Let us put these worries to bed by providing citrus tree information that can help identify and treat common citrus problems like pests and disease. Learning how to properly care for your citrus helps alleviate most issues.
Stylar End Rot Information – Managing Fruit With Stylar End Rot
Citrus fruits can be damaged by a disease called stylar end rot or black rot. The stylar end, or the navel, of the fruit may crack, become discolored, and begin to decay because of infection by a pathogen. Protect your citrus crop with information from this article.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
Fertilizing Lime Trees – Learn How To Fertilize A Lime Tree
Got a lime tree? Wondering how to fertilize your lime tree? Lime trees, like all citrus, are heavy feeders and, therefore, need supplemental fertilizer. But the question is, when do you fertilize lime trees? Click here and find out in this article.
By Amy Grant
Orange Tree Care - Learn How To Grow An Orange Tree
Learning how to grow an orange tree is a worthwhile project for the home gardener. Following a few basic steps from this article on taking care of an orange tree will keep your tree healthy and productive.
By Becca Badgett
Lime Tree Leaf Drop - Why A Lime Tree Is Losing Leaves
By Gardening Know How
Lime Tree Harvest Time: When To Pick A Lime From A Tree
Many people wonder when to pick a lime from a tree. Limes stay green and this makes it difficult to tell. Read this article to find out when to pick a lime from a tree so harvesting limes will be easier.
By Nikki Tilley
Growing Lime Trees From Seed
In addition to nursery-grown plants, grafting is probably your best bet when growing lime trees. However, most citrus seeds are relatively easy to grow, including those from limes. Learn more in this article.
By Nikki Tilley
Wood Rot In Citrus: What Causes Citrus Ganoderma Rot
Citrus heart rot is an infection that causes the trunks of citrus trees to rot. If you are wondering what causes citrus ganoderma, click here. We’ll fill you in on the causes of ganoderma rot of citrus as well as what steps to take if this happens in your orchard.
By Teo Spengler
Sweet Orange Scab Control – Managing Sweet Orange Scab Symptoms
Sweet orange scab disease, which affects primarily sweet oranges, tangerines and mandarins, is a relatively benign fungal disease that doesn’t kill trees, but significantly affects the appearance of the fruit. Learn about sweet orange scab control here.
By Mary H. Dyer
Why Citrus Fruit Get Thick Peels And Little Pulp
For a citrus grower, nothing can be more frustrating than waiting all season for citrus fruit to ripen only to discover a thick peel and little juice. This article can help with that. Click here for more info.
By Heather Rhoades
Mexican Key Lime Tree Information: Tips For Growing Key Limes
Almost anyone can grow Mexican key lime trees if you have the right information. Take a look at the growth and care of key lime trees in the following article and see if this lime tree variety is right for you.
By Gardening Know How
Growing Lemon Trees In Containers
If you live in a cooler climate, or simply have limited space, but still want a lemon tree, container lemon trees may be your best option. Take a look at how to grow a lemon tree in a pot in this article.
By Heather Rhoades
Blood Orange Tree Care: How To Grow Blood Oranges
Growing blood orange trees is a great way to enjoy this unusual little fruit. Click here to get information and learn more about how to grow blood orange trees of your own. Click here to learn more.
By Amy Grant
Orange Tree Fruit Problems: How To Get Fruit On Orange Trees
Growing orange trees is a great way to enjoy these sweet, tasty fruits straight from your own garden. But what happens when there?s no orange tree fruit? Why won?t an orange tree produce? Find out here.
By Jackie Carroll
Problems With Lime Trees: Getting Rid Of Lime Tree Pests
Usually, you can grow lime trees without much trouble. But even under the best of circumstances you can run into lime tree problems, like bothersome lime tree pests. Learn more about these in this article.
By Gardening Know How
Lemons Falling From Tree: How To Fix Premature Fruit Drop On A Lemon Tree
Although some fruit drop is normal and not a cause for concern, you can help prevent excessive drop by providing the best possible care for your lemon tree. Read this article to learn more about lemon fruit drop.
By Jackie Carroll
Controlling Citrus Scale - How To Treat Types Of Scale On Citrus Plants
Dropping leaves, twig and branch die back, and stunted or distorted fruit may indicate an infestation of citrus scale pests. Find out more about citrus scale control in this article.
By Amy Grant
Splitting Citrus Fruit: Why Orange Rinds Split Open And How To Prevent It
Citrus trees have numerous requirements. They are prone to many diseases, especially fungal and have several pests. Cracked citrus rinds is another issue, especially in oranges. Read this article for more info.
By Bonnie L. Grant