Citrus Trees
Citrus tree growing can be a great way to enjoy some of your favorite citrus treats. But what happens when problems arise while caring for citrus plants? Let us put these worries to bed by providing citrus tree information that can help identify and treat common citrus problems like pests and disease. Learning how to properly care for your citrus helps alleviate most issues.
Tips For Pruning Lime Trees
With proper lime tree care, your lime trees will reward you with healthy, tasty fruits. Part of this care includes pruning lime trees. You can learn how to prune a lime tree in the following article.
By Nikki Tilley
Harvesting Oranges: Learn When And How To Pick An Orange
Oranges are easy to pluck from the tree; the trick is to know when to harvest an orange. If you have ever purchased oranges, you are well aware that a uniform orange color is not necessarily an indicator of a delicious, juicy orange. Click here to learn more.
By Amy Grant
What Is An Australian Finger Lime – Learn About Australian Finger Lime Care
If you love the fresh flavor of citrus but want to grow something a bit more exotic, Australian finger limes are a great option. Click here to learn more.
By Amy Grant
Citrus Tree Houseplant Care: How To Grow Citrus Indoors
Not everyone has space enough or the right climate for growing a citrus tree. So is it possible to grow indoor citrus trees? Yes, it is. You can find more information for indoor grown citrus in this article.
By Amy Grant
No Flowers On Lemon Tree – Tips For Getting Lemon Trees To Bloom
Growing lemons is a tricky business, as one wrong move and you?ll find all your effort has been for nothing. Getting lemons to bloom is about balancing the plant?s needs. Learn about the various pieces in the blooming puzzle in this article.
By Kristi Waterworth
Citrus Tree Fruiting – When Will My Citrus Tree Fruit
The best thing about growing citrus trees is getting to harvest and eat the fruits. As you get into citrus trees, know that you won?t necessarily get fruit right away. You may have to be patient with citrus tree fruiting, but it is worth the wait. Learn more here.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
Tips On Water Requirements For Citrus Trees
For citrus owners in warm, humid climates, citrus tree watering is not something they often need to think about. But in cooler or drier climates, watering can be tricky. Learn more in this article.
By Heather Rhoades
My Citrus Fruits Are Scarred – What Causes Scarring Of Citrus Fruits
Whether growing outdoors or in containers, watching the trees flower and begin to produce fruit is quite exciting. However, you may notice that your citrus fruits are marked or scarred. What causes scarring of citrus fruits? Learn about marks on citrus here.
By Tonya Barnett
Phytophthora Root Rot In Citrus – What Causes Citrus Feeder Root Rot
Citrus feeder root rot is a frustrating problem for orchard owners and those who grow citrus in the home landscape. Learning how this problem occurs and what can be done about it is your first step in its prevention and treatment. This article will help.
By Becca Badgett
What Is Citrus Psorosis – How To Prevent Citrus Psorosis Disease
Although there are several strains of citrus psorosis, the disease will affect productivity and kill the tree sooner or later. The good news is that the disease has diminished considerably over the past few decades. Learn more about this diseases by clicking here.
By Mary H. Dyer
Citrus Melanose Fungus: Learn How To Treat Citrus Melanose Disease
Citrus melanose is an infection that impacts all types of citrus trees, causing damage to leaves and fruit rinds. The pulp of the fruit is not usually affected, but the disease can harm the tree and leaves the fruit looking unattractive. Learn how to minimize melanose here.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
Citrus Leaf Miner Control: How To Spot Citrus Leaf Miner Damage
If you see signs of leaf miner damage in your young citrus trees, using horticultural soaps, neem oil or predatory insects can help you control them. In fully grown trees they won't cause as much harm.
By Teo Spengler
ISD For Citrus Trees: Information On ISD Tags On Citrus
Noticed a tag stating "ISD Treated" with a date and also a treatment expiration date? The tag may also say "Retreat before Expiration." So what is an ISD treatment and how to retreat your tree? This article will answer questions about ISD treatment on citrus trees.
By Darcy Larum
Sweet Lime Varieties – Sweet Lime Tree Growing And Care
There's a new citrus on the block! Okay, it isn't new, but fairly obscure in the United States. We're talking sweet limes. Yes, a lime that is less tart and more on the sweet side. Intrigued? This article contains additional information.
By Amy Grant
Citrus Seed Storage: Tips On Harvesting Seeds From Citrus Fruits
There is very little quite as satisfying as propagating your own fruit or veggies. Not everything can be started via seed though. Is growing citrus by seed a possibility? Read this article to learn more about citrus seed removal and growing.
By Amy Grant
Watering Limes: How Much Water Do Lime Trees Need In Containers
Planting limes in pots will enable you to move them around more easily and grow them in cooler climates - but watering is crucial. How much water will these lime trees need? Read this article to find out.
By Amy Grant