Fig Trees
Sun-loving figs are well within your reach, even if you don’t have a massive garden. All you need is ample warmth, light and a little tender loving care to produce an abundance of Mediterranean fruits. Find out how to grow your own fig trees with our planting, cultivation and problem solving tips.
Fig Sclerotium Blight Info: Treating A Fig With Southern Blight
Southern blight on fig trees produces fungal bodies primarily around the trunk. According to fig sclerotium blight info, there is no cure for the disease, but you can prevent it fairly easily. Click on the following article for more information.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Fig Leaf Blight Control: Learn About Leaf Blight Of Figs
Figs suffer few serious disease issues. Few does not mean none, however, and one disease that plagues the tree is called fig thread blight or leaf blight of figs. Learn how to spot the symptoms of figs with leaf blight and its control in this article.
By Amy Grant
What Are Fig Nematodes: How To Treat Figs With Root Knot Nematodes
Root knot nematodes are a serious problem associated with fig trees. Learn more about recognizing fig root knot nematode symptoms and how to manage figs with root knot nematodes using the information provided in this article.
By Liz Baessler
Prevent Fig Rust: Stopping Rust On Fig Leaves And Fruit
The fig is relatively carefree. However, under more humid conditions, they may be prone to disease. The most common fig disease, rust, occurs under these conditions. Learn more here.
By Jackie Rhoades
Fig Types: Different Types Of Fig Trees For The Garden
When you consider the number of fig tree varieties available, choosing the right one for your garden is a daunting task. Here are some suggestions to help you make the right choice.
By Jackie Carroll
Fig With Yellow Leaves - Reasons For Yellow Leaves On Fig Trees
Why are my fig leaves turning yellow? If you own a fig tree, yellow leaves will be a concern at some point in its life. Learn why this happens and what can be done in the following article.
By Jackie Rhoades
Problems With Fig Trees: Common Fig Tree Diseases
As rewarding as they are frustrating, figs are commonly troubled by several diseases. Knowing how to recognize fig tree diseases can help keep you one step ahead. Read here to learn more.
By Kathee Mierzejewski
Rooting Figs - How To Propagate Fig Trees
If you enjoy figs, you might be wondering how to propagate fig trees as opposed to buying a replacement. Fig propagation is an economical way to continue or increase production. This article explains more.
By Jackie Rhoades
Cold Hardy Fig Varieties: Tips For Growing Winter Hardy Figs
Figs enjoy warmer temps and probably won't do too well if you live in say, USDA zone 5. Fear not fig lovers living in cool regions; there are some cold hardy fig varieties. Find out what some of these are in this article. Click here now.
By Amy Grant
Fig Tree Leaf Drop - Why Do Fig Trees Lose Leaves
Leaf drop can be a normal part of the fig's life cycle, but sometimes leaf drop on figs is caused by sudden environmental changes or pest problems. Read this article to learn more about leaf drop in fig trees.
By Kristi Waterworth
Fig Tree Container Planting: Tips For Growing Figs In Pots
If you live in USDA zones 8-10, there's a fig for you. What if you live north of Zone 7? No worries, consider planting fig trees in pots. Read this article to find out how to care for potted fig trees and other info on container grown figs.
By Amy Grant
Common Fig Tree Pests – What To Do About Pests On Fig Trees
Despite their ancient history, they are not without many of the same fig tree insect pests that plague the tree today. The key to fig tree pest control is learning how to identify common fig tree pests. The information in this article should help with that.
By Amy Grant
Fig Tree Ants: How To Keep Ants Off Fig Trees
Ants on fig trees can be especially problematic because many types of figs have an opening through which they can readily enter. Learn more about controlling ants in fig trees in this article.
By Susan Patterson
Fig Fruit Stays Green - Reasons Figs Don't Ripen
A common question that gardeners with fig trees have is a??how long does it take a fig to ripen on the tree?a?? The answer to this question is not a straight forward answer. Learn why in this article.
By Heather Rhoades
Fig Tree Care In Winter - Fig Tree Winter Protection And Storage
While it is commonly found in warmer climates, there are methods for fig cold protection that can allow gardeners in cooler climates to keep their figs over the winter. This article explains more.
By Heather Rhoades
What Is Anthracnose Of Figs: Treating Figs With Anthracnose Disease
Anthracnose of figs is a fungal disease that causes rotting and shriveling of the fruit on fig trees. Preventative measures and cultural control are important for protecting a fig tree in your yard from anthracnose. Learn more in this article.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
Fig Tree Winter Wrapping: Tips For Wrapping A Fig Tree For Winter
Despite its historical longevity, the fig tree is relatively delicate and, in some climates, may require fig tree winter wrapping to survive the cold season. This article can help with information on when and how to wrap fig trees.
By Amy Grant