Many people think that growing grapes is difficult to achieve. Not so. With the right climate and grapevine care, anyone can grow these tasty fruits. In addition to proper growing conditions, support structures and pruning of grapes is essential to their overall health. Growing healthy grapes also keeps pests and disease at bay. Use the following information to learn more about how to grow grapes.
Disease Resistant Grapes - Tips For Preventing Pierce's Disease
Nothing is as frustrating as growing grapes in the garden only to find they have succumbed to problems such as disease - like Pierce's disease. Click here to learn more about Pierce's disease in grapes.
By Susan Patterson
How To Grow Champagne Grapes For Homegrown Bubbly
What grapes are used to make champagne? Can you grow your own champagne grapes at home? Click here for these answers and more.
By Teo Spengler
Witch Finger Grape Vine Facts: Information About Witches Finger Grapes
If you're looking for a great-tasting grape with an unusual appearance, try witch finger grapes. Read this article to find out about this exciting new variety of grape that is sure to become a hit. Click here for more info.
By Jackie Carroll
Overwintering Grapes: How To Prepare Grapevines For Winter
Grapevine winter care involves the addition of some type of protective covering and proper pruning, especially in colder regions. Learning how to winterize grapevines isn't difficult. Find out more here.
By Nikki Tilley
Grape Sour Rot - Managing Summer Bunch Rot In Grapes
Summer bunch rot is a common problem of grapes, resulting in a partial or total loss of fruits if not caught early. Read this article to learn more about this grape disease. Click here for more information.
By Kristi Waterworth
What Is Black Rot On Grapes: Learn About Black Rot Grape Treatment
When grape black rot ruins your harvest, you may want to throw in the towel entirely. Fear not, there is black rot grape treatment, and this article will help with that. Click here to learn more.
By Kristi Waterworth
Red Wine Grape Varieties To Grow For National Red Wine Day
When is National Red Wine Day and how can you celebrate it in the garden? Well, click here to find out!
By Teo Spengler
Grape Cotton Root Rot – How To Treat Grapes With Cotton Root Rot
Grape cotton root rot is a nasty fungal disease affecting over 2,300 plant species. On grapevines it can be very devastating to growers in Texas and the southwestern U.S. Cotton root rot is very difficult to control. Click the following article for more information.
By Mary H. Dyer
Grapes That Have Thick Skin: Types Of Thick Skinned Grapes
"Oh, Beulah, peel me a grape." There are several interpretations of what that actually means, but suffice it to say that thick skinned grapes actually exist and very well might need to be peeled. Learn more about thick grape skins in this article.
By Amy Grant
Blister Mite Control On Grapes: Treating Grape Leaf Blister Mites
If you have noticed irregular blotches or blister-like lesions on your grape leaves, you may be wondering what, or who the culprit is. Although you may not see them, chances are good that this damage is the product of blister leaf mites. Learn more in this article.
By Amy Grant
Wild Muscadine Grapes: The Rich American History Of Muscadine Grapes
By Amy Grant
Are Wild Grapes Weeds: Where Can You Find Wild Grapes
Grapes are cultivated for their delicious fruit used in winemaking, juices, and preserves, but how about wild grapes? What are wild grapes and are they edible? Where can you find wild grapes? Click the following article to get more information on wild grapes.
By Amy Grant
Tips For Irrigating Grapes – How Much Water Do Grapes Need
Watering grapes and maintaining adequate moisture levels will directly impact plant health. Grapevine irrigation can vary depending upon the conditions in each growing zone. However, there are some key aspects on which to focus. This article will help with that.
By Tonya Barnett
What Causes Grape Powdery Mildew: Treating Powdery Mildew On Grapes
Though powdery mildew is generally considered less worrisome than black rot or downy mildew on grapes, when left uncontrolled it can kill grape plants. Learn more about grape powdery mildew symptoms and tips on treating powdery mildew on grapes here.
By Darcy Larum
Grape Downy Mildew Control – What Causes Downy Mildew On Grapes
Grape downy mildew control requires gardening practices that improve growing conditions and minimize water on the leaves. For tips on its control, click on the following article to learn more about this disease.
By Mary H. Dyer
Grape Dead Arm Info: Tips For Grape Dead Arm Treatment
Dead arm is the name of a grapevine disease that has all but been phased out. Thought to be one disease, in fact, it is two and now commonly diagnosed and treated separately. But since the name “dead arm” still comes up in literature, we will examine it here.
By Liz Baessler
Grape Anthracnose Info – How To Treat Anthracnose On Grapevines
What is grape anthracnose? It is a fungal disease probably introduced from Europe in the 1800s. While mostly cosmetic, grapes with anthracnose are unsightly and commercial value is reduced. Luckily, preventive grape anthracnose treatment is available. Learn more here.
By Bonnie L. Grant