Many people think that growing grapes is difficult to achieve. Not so. With the right climate and grapevine care, anyone can grow these tasty fruits. In addition to proper growing conditions, support structures and pruning of grapes is essential to their overall health. Growing healthy grapes also keeps pests and disease at bay. Use the following information to learn more about how to grow grapes.
Grape Nematodes: Preventing Root Knot Nematodes In Grapevines
Occasionally, we all have a plant that is not doing its best and failing for no apparent reason. When removed from the ground, we see swelling and galls among the roots, a classic case of root knot nematode. This article covers what to do for nematodes of grapevines.
By Becca Badgett
Trimming Muscadine Vines - How To Prune Muscadine Grapevines
Muscadine grapes have been cultivated since colonial times. Knowing how to prune muscadine grapevines properly is a must. Learn how to prune these grapes in the following article.
By Jackie Rhoades
Muscadine Grapevine Planting: Information On Muscadine Grapevine Care
Muscadine grapes are indigenous to the Southeastern United States. Native Muscadine grapevine plantings have been cultured for over 400 years for use in wine making, pies and jellies. Learn how to grow these grapes here.
By Amy Grant
Treating Grapevine Problems: How To Take Care Of Grapevine Issues
Grapevines are tough plants, but there are several pest, cultural and diseases, which can minimize the vigor of these plants. Learn how to treat common grapevine pests and diseases in this article.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Container Grown Grapes: Tips For Planting Grapevines In Pots
If you don't have the space for a traditional garden, containers are a great alternative. And grapes, handle container life well. Learn how to grow grapes in a container here.
By Liz Baessler
How To Plant Grapes – Growing Grapevines In The Garden
Growing and harvesting grapes isn’t solely the province of wine producers anymore. You see them everywhere, clambering over arbors or up fences, but how do grapes grow? Growing grapes isn’t as difficult as many believe. Learn how to plant grapes in your landscape here.
By Amy Grant
Grapevine Fertilizer: When And How To Fertilize Grapes
The results of a soil test will tell you if you should be fertilizing your grapevines. If so, take a look at this article to find out when to feed grapevines and how to fertilize grapes. Click here for more information.
By Amy Grant
Companion Planting With Grapes – What To Plant Around Grapes
To get the healthiest vines that produce the most fruit, consider companion planting with grapes. Plants that grow well with grapevines are those that lend a beneficial quality to the growing grapes. The question is what to plant around grapes? Find out here.
By Amy Grant
Grapevine Won't Produce: How To Get Grapes On Vines
You’re so excited to start harvesting your grapes, but there are none on the vine. What a disappointment to find your grapevine won’t produce. Click the following article for some reasons this might happen and learn how to get grapes on vines.
By Becca Badgett
Grapevine Frost Damage – Protecting Grapevines In The Spring
Grapevine frost damage in the spring can severely reduce your yields later in the season. Read on to learn how to prevent it.
By Laura Miller
Fruit Split Of Grapes: Reasons Why Grapes Are Cracking Open
With suitable conditions, the only thing home grape growers need worry about is how to get the grapes before the birds do! Unfortunately, doesn't exist year after year, leading to the issue of grape berry cracking. Learn more about it in this article.
By Amy Grant