Peach Trees
Who doesn’t love the sweet taste of a plump, juicy peach? When you know how to grow a peach tree, you can soon enjoy these scrumptious fruits every year from your own garden. The following pages are loaded with growing tips for peach trees so you can do just that. You’ll learn how to manage problems with peaches and what it takes to ensure adequate peach tree care. So keep reading to reap the benefits from growing your own peaches.
Growing White Peaches: What Are Some White-Fleshed Peaches
White peaches have low or sub-acid flesh as compared to the yellow varieties. The flesh may be pure white or even lightly blushed but has a sweeter taste than the traditional yellow. Check out some popular white peach varieties in this article.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Popular Yellow Peaches – Growing Peaches That Are Yellow
Peaches may be either white or yellow but, regardless, they have the same ripening range and characteristics. Peaches that are yellow are just a matter of preference to those that prefer yellow flesh peaches. Here is more information on growing yellow peach varieties.
By Amy Grant
Santa Barbara Peaches: How To Grow Santa Barbara Peach Trees
For a tasty, sweet, and large peach, Santa Barbara is a popular choice. What makes this variety unique is not just the high quality of the fruit, but the fact that it has a low chill requirement. Find out how to grow these peaches in this article.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
Growing Babcock Peaches: Tips For Babcock Peach Tree Care
If you love peaches but not the fuzz, you can grow nectarines, or try growing Babcock peach trees. They do tend to bloom early and are unsuitable for areas with late frost, but Babcock peaches are an excellent choice for mild climates. Learn more in this article.
By Amy Grant
Messina Peach Care: Growing Messina Peaches
Large peaches with a striking red blush, Messina yellow peaches are sweet and juicy. This low-fuzz fruit is delicious eaten straight off the tree, but the firmness of this peach makes it an excellent choice for freezing. Learn more about Messina yellow peaches here.
By Mary H. Dyer
Strawberry Free Peach Info: What Is A Strawberry Free White Peach
If you’ve never tried white peaches, you’re in for a real treat. Strawberry Free white peaches are among the most popular varieties. Click this article for more Strawberry Free peach info, and learn to grow this delicious fruit in your garden.
By Mary H. Dyer
Frost Peach Information – How To Grow A Frost Peach Tree
If you are looking for a cold hardy peach tree, try growing Frost peaches. What is a Frost peach? This variety is a partial freestone with classic peachy good looks and flavor. Click here for some helpful Frost peach information and decide if this is the cultivar for you.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Peach Crown Gall Control: Learn How To Treat Peach Crown Gall
Crown gall is a very common disease that affects a wide range of plants the world over. It is especially common in fruit tree orchards, and even more common among peach trees. But what causes peach crown gall, and what can you do to prevent it? Find out here.
By Liz Baessler
Peach Rust Info: Learn How To Treat Peach Rust In The Garden
Growing peaches is a delight if you love this tasty fruit, but if you see the signs of rust disease, you could lose your harvest. While less of an issue in cooler climates, you should be aware of peach rust, what it looks like, and how to manage or treat it. Learn more here.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
Treating X Disease In Peaches: Symptoms Of Peach Tree X Disease
Despite the name, peach tree X disease isn't limited to peaches, as it can also affect nectarines and wild chokecherries, and has done extensive damage to cherry crops. Click this article to learn more about peach tree X disease.
By Mary H. Dyer
Peach Tree Care: How To Grow Peaches
Peach tree care requires a commitment to learning how to grow peaches. Peach trees need a regular routine of care which you can find here.
By Gardening Know How
Peach Leaf Curl Treatment And Symptoms
Peach tree leaf curl is one of the most common disease problems affecting nearly all peach and nectarine cultivars. This fungal disease affects all aspects of these fruit trees. Learn about peach leaf curl in this article.
By Nikki Tilley
Peach ‘Honey Babe’ Care – Honey Babe Peach Growing Information
Growing peaches in the home garden can be a real treat, but not everyone has space for a full-sized fruit tree. If this sounds like your dilemma, try a Honey Babe peach tree. This pint-sized peach usually grows no taller than 5 or 6 feet (1.5-2 m.). Learn more here.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
Earligrande Peach Care – Growing Earligrande Peaches At Home
For an early peach that will grow well in warmer climates, you can hardly do better than Earligrande. This variety is most noted for its very early harvest dates, but it also produces a tasty, versatile fruit that backyard gardeners will enjoy. Click here to learn more.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
Red Baron Peach Info – How To Grow Red Baron Peach Trees
Growing Red Baron peaches isn't particularly difficult, but young trees need some help to establish and develop a good form. We'll give some important Red Baron peach info to help your plant get off to a good start in this article. Click here to learn more.
By Bonnie L. Grant
How To Grow O'Henry Peaches - O'Henry Peach Trees In The Landscape
O’Henry peaches are vigorous, heavy-bearing fruit trees considered an excellent choice for the home orchard. If you are considering growing O’Henry peaches, you’ll want to find out where these peach trees do best. Click here for information about these trees.
By Teo Spengler
Pix Zee Peach Tree Care – How To Care For A Pix Zee Dwarf Peach
The popularity of dwarf varieties of fruit trees has skyrocketed. The ‘Pix Zee’ dwarf peach tree is just one example of the way in which home growers are now able to harvest delectable fresh fruits straight from their yards, balconies, and container plantings. Learn more here.
By Tonya Barnett