Peach Trees
Who doesn’t love the sweet taste of a plump, juicy peach? When you know how to grow a peach tree, you can soon enjoy these scrumptious fruits every year from your own garden. The following pages are loaded with growing tips for peach trees so you can do just that. You’ll learn how to manage problems with peaches and what it takes to ensure adequate peach tree care. So keep reading to reap the benefits from growing your own peaches.
Eldorado Miniature Peach Tree – How To Grow An Eldorado Dwarf Peach
High-yielding fruit trees are worth both the work and the investment when it comes time to harvest and enjoy the fresh fruits, especially peaches. If you find yourself low on space, you can still enjoy them by planting a dwarf peach tree like Eldorado. Learn more here.
By Tonya Barnett
Peach Tree Fruiting - What To Do For A Tree With No Peaches
Peach trees not bearing fruit is a problem that frustrates many gardeners. This need not be the case. Learn more about the causes for a tree with no peaches and find a solution in this article.
By Jackie Carroll
Common Peach Diseases: Peach Tree Care For Sick Trees
Grow a peach tree in your yard and you’ll never go back to store-bought. The rewards are great, but peach tree care calls for some careful attention so they don’t fall prey to some of the common peach diseases. Learn what these are and how to manage them here.
By Caroline Bloomfield
Peach Tree Harvesting: When And How To Pick Peaches
Peaches are one of the nation's most beloved rock fruit, but it's not always easy to know when a peach should be harvested. What are some of the indicators that it is time for picking peach fruit and how to do it? This article will help with that.
By Amy Grant
Why Do Peach Trees Need Cold And Chilling Requirements Of Peaches
Have you ever heard of low or high chill peach trees? Chilling requirements for peaches are an essential part of fruit production. Why do peach trees need cold and how much cold do they need? Find out here.
By Jackie Rhoades
Can Peach Trees Grow In Pots: Tips On Growing Peaches In A Container
Some fruit trees do better than others when grown in containers. How about peaches? Can peach trees grow in pots? Click on the following article to find out how to grow peach trees in containers and about container peach tree care.
By Amy Grant
Spraying Peach Trees: What To Spray On Peach Trees
Peach trees are relatively easy to grow, but the trees need regular attention, including frequent peach tree spraying, to remain healthy and produce the highest possible yield. Click this article for a typical schedule for spraying peach trees.
By Mary H. Dyer
Peach Tree Dropping Fruit - Why Peach Fruit Is Falling Off Tree
Your peach tree was a spring delight covered in beautiful blossoms and then tiny little swollen nubs of peaches to come. And then it happens - it starts dropping fruit! Read here to find out what to do.
By Jackie Rhoades
Nectar Peach Growing – Tips On Caring For Nectar Peach Trees
The peach ‘Nectar’ variety is an outstanding white freestone fruit. Nectar peach trees are fairly tall but there are semi-dwarf trees available. These plants are prolific producers with good care. Click here for some info on how to grow a nectar peach and management tips.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Suncrest Peach Growing – Suncrest Peach Fruit And Care Guide
For many gardeners, the addition of a peach tree in the home garden is a valuable addition to the sustainable landscape. Peach trees, such as ‘Suncrest,’ provide growers with fresh fruits which are excellent for baked goods, canning, and fresh eating. Learn more here.
By Tonya Barnett
Peach Phytophthora Root Rot – How To Treat A Peach With Phytophthora Rot
Phytophthora root rot of peach is a destructive disease that afflicts peach trees around the world. With early action, you may be able to save a tree with peach phytophthora root rot. However, prevention is the best means of control. Click here to learn more.
By Mary H. Dyer
Is Peach Sap Edible: Learn About Eating Gum From Peach Trees
Many of us love peaches and probably never thought about eating any other part of the tree, and that’s a good thing. Peach trees are primarily toxic, except for peach sap. Most of us never thought about eating gum from peach trees but you can learn more about it here.
By Amy Grant
Peach Bacterial Canker Control: How To Treat Bacterial Canker On Peach Trees
Stone fruit diseases can wreak havoc on a crop. This is especially true with bacterial canker on peach trees. Treating peach bacterial canker relies upon good culture and minimizing any injury to trees. This article provides additional information on its control.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Fertilizing Peach Trees: Learn About Fertilizer For Peach Trees
Home grown peaches are a treat. And one way to ensure you get the best peaches possible from your tree is to make sure you are properly using fertilizer for peach trees. Get peach fertilizing tips in this article.
By Heather Rhoades