Growing Persimmons In Pots: How To Grow A Persimmon Tree In A Pot

Does your garden have clay soil? Freezing winters? Very little space? If you answered “yes” to any of those questions, planting a home orchard may seem to be a stretch. But it is entirely possible if you grow fruit trees in containers.
Container growing works with many types of fruit trees including persimmon trees. And planting persimmon trees in pots can solve a lot of problems. Read on for more details about how to grow a persimmon tree in a pot on the patio.
Growing Persimmons in Pots
Growing persimmons in pots is an excellent way of avoiding bad soil or cold climate issues. You can completely control the type of soil your persimmon tree is planted in, and you can change its growing site if necessary. In addition, small gardens are not a problem. A potted persimmon is happy in very little space: a corner of the porch or patio is fine with proper sun exposure.
When you are planting persimmon trees, the first decision is what type of persimmon to choose, American or oriental. While sometimes thought to be inedible, American persimmons can be delicious, especially the varieties Prok, Yates, Early Golden, and Meader. Oriental persimmons, like the popular Fuyu persimmon tree, also produce excellent fruit. Most gardeners opt to grow Fuyu persimmons in containers.
Potting Up Persimmon Trees
If you decide to start growing persimmon trees in containers, the size of the pot is important. The container should be large enough to accommodate the tree’s existing root system and should leave room for the roots to grow. However, when planting persimmon trees, be sure that the pots are of manageable size so that you can move the potted trees around.
In summer, you might want to move a tree’s location as the sun exposure changes. For best fruiting, the trees must be in full sun locations. However, if your area has sweltering summers, move the potted persimmons to a location where they will get some shade in the afternoon.
In winter, it may be necessary to overwinter the container trees in an unheated basement or garage. If this is the case, don’t bring the trees back outside until all chance of frost is passed. At that point, carry the containers to a sunny location that is protected from rough winds.
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Caring for Potted Persimmon Trees
Persimmons in pots have the same cultural requirements as those grown in the ground. They need a sunny location and good soil. When you are growing persimmons in pots, you need to be sure the tree has excellent drainage. The pot should have more than a few drain holes and the soil should be loamy and well-draining soil.
Soil in a container doesn’t last forever. If grown in containers, persimmon trees must be repotted every second or third year with fresh soil. They also require water. Wait until the soil in the container is dry to the touch to add water. This helps the tree avoid root rot and other root-related issues.
How about pruning persimmon trees? Fruit trees in pots need to be trimmed from time to time. The issues to address when pruning persimmon trees in pots include removing unhealthy stems and pruning out weak branches.
Teo Spengler has been gardening for 30 years. She is a docent at the San Francisco Botanical Garden. Her passion is trees, 250 of which she has planted on her land in France.
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