Watermelons are symbolic of summertime get-togethers and the staple of nearly everyone’s dessert trays. But how does one grow and care for watermelons in the garden? Find out here. These articles help with growing watermelons, harvesting them and keeping them free of pests and disease throughout the season. You'll even learn about different types of watermelons to suit any garden.
Watermelon Disease Control: How To Treat Diseases Of Watermelon Plants
Watermelons are great plants for the home garden, until they get sick. Find out what to do when your favorite summer treat is under the weather in this article by learning what common things cause disease in watermelon plants.
By Kristi Waterworth
Watermelon Vine Support: Tips For Growing Watermelon On A Trellis
Love watermelon and would like to grow it but lack the garden space? No problem, try growing watermelon on a trellis. Watermelon trellis growing is easy and this article can help get you started with your watermelon vine support.
By Amy Grant
Sugar Baby Cultivation - Tips For Growing A Sugar Baby Watermelon
If you are thinking of growing watermelon, try Sugar Baby watermelons. What are Sugar Baby watermelons and how do you grow them? This article will help.
By Amy Grant
Fertilizing Watermelons: What Fertilizers To Use On Watermelon Plants
Growing your own watermelon may take a bit of work but is definitely rewarding. In order to get the sweetest, juiciest melon, what kind of fertilizer do you need to use on watermelon plants? This article will help answer that.
By Amy Grant
Are Yellow Watermelons Natural: Why Your Watermelon Is Yellow Inside
Are yellow watermelons natural? With over 1,200 varieties of watermelon on the market today, from seedless to pink to black rinded, it should be no surprise that, yes, even yellow fleshed types are available. Learn more in this article.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Homegrown Watermelon Splitting: What Makes Watermelons Split In Garden
So what makes watermelons split in gardens and what can be done about it? There are a few causes of watermelon splits. Find out what these are and how to treat it in this article.
By Nikki Tilley
Watermelons Rotting On The Vine: What To Do For Watermelon Belly Rot
Fresh watermelon right from your garden is such a treat in the summer. Unfortunately, your crop may be ruined by belly rot. Belly rot in watermelons is so disappointing, but there are steps you can take to prevent and control this damaging infection. Learn more here.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
Information About Seedless Watermelon Seeds – Where Do Seedless Watermelons Come From
Seedless watermelon is popular, but where do seedless watermelons come from if they have no seeds and how do you grow seedless watermelons with no seeds? Find the answers to these questions in the article that follows. Click here.
By Amy Grant
What Is A Buttercup Watermelon: Tips For Growing Buttercup Watermelons
What is a Buttercup watermelon? If you?re interested in learning about growing Yellow Buttercup watermelons, then click here to find out about Yellow Buttercup watermelon care and other interesting Yellow Buttercup watermelon info.
By Amy Grant
What Is A Crimson Sweet Watermelon – Growing Crimson Sweet In Gardens
Who doesn't like fresh, juicy watermelon? Sweet is one of the best tasting watermelons and has many disease resistant traits. This makes growing Crimson Sweet melons easy, even for novice gardeners. Find out more about this watermelon here.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Black Diamond Melon Care: Growing Black Diamond Watermelons
There are many aspects gardeners take into consideration when deciding which varieties of watermelon to grow. For some growers, choosing varieties which produce large melons is non-negotiable. Learn some Black Diamond watermelon info in this article.
By Tonya Barnett
Watermelon Anthracnose Info: How To Control Watermelon Anthracnose
Anthracnose is a destructive fungal disease that can cause serious problems in cucurbits, particularly in watermelon crops. If it gets out of hand, the disease can be very damaging and result in the loss of fruit or even vine death. Learn more in this article.
By Liz Baessler
Watermelon Nematode Treatment – Managing Nematodes Of Watermelon Plants
A significant threat to your watermelons might just be a microscopic roundworm. Yes, I?m referring to nematodes of watermelon. How do you go about controlling watermelon nematodes? The following article contains information about watermelon nematode treatment.
By Amy Grant