Earthy, pungent garlic is a highly versatile kitchen garden staple, with several growing methods and distinctive varieties. We show you when and how to plant bulbs, care for plants, and store well for longer-lasting harvests. Find out how to transform a few cloves into endless stashable edibles.
How And When To Harvest Garlic For The Best Flavor – Plus, Top Tips For Success
Harvest garlic when at least one third of the leaves have dried and turned brown. Dig the bulbs out with a trowel - don't pull!
By Heather Rhoades
Why Fall Garlic Planting Is The Best Method
Fall is a great time to get garlic planted in the garden. Cold weather gives it a good start for a rich aromatic spring harvest.
By Amy Grant
Keep Plants Pest-Free With Garlic Spray — It's Easy, Eco-Friendly, And Effective!
Insects either love garlic or detest it. Some don't mind it, but others avoid it like the plague. Learn how to use it to your advantage here.
By Amy Grant
How To Grow And Harvest Garlic Scapes
Garlic is an easy to grow plant that is used for its bulb and its greens. Garlic scapes are the first tender green shoots on garlic which will become bulbils. Learn more garlic scapes in this article.
By Bonnie L. Grant
What Is Applegate Garlic: Applegate Garlic Care And Growing Tips
Garlic is not only delicious, but it’s good for you. Some people find garlic a little too strong, however. For those whose taste buds prefer milder garlic, try growing Applegate garlic plants. What is Applegate garlic? Click here for Applegate garlic info and care.
By Amy Grant
Inchelium Red Information – How To Grow Inchelium Red Garlic Plants
Chefs enjoy Inchelium Red garlic because of its robust flavor that works well in any type of dish that calls for garlic. It produces well too, so you’ll get an abundant harvest. Learn more about growing this garlic variety in your garden right here.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
What Is Italian Purple Garlic – How To Grow Italian Purple Garlic
Garlic is one of those crops for which it's hard to wait. That is why Early Italian Purple garlic is a good selection. This variety is ready weeks before most other softneck cultivars and has a long storage life. Learn how to grow Italian Purple garlic in this article.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Italian Late Information: How To Grow Italian Late Garlic Cloves
Growing Italian Late garlic is a great way to enjoy a tasty variety of garlic while also extending your harvest. As compared to other varieties, this one is ready later in the spring or summer so you can get more garlic for a longer period of time. Learn more here.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
German White Garlic Info – How To Grow German White Garlic
According to German White garlic information, this is a large, strong-flavored hardneck type garlic. German White garlic is a Porcelain type with satin white bulbs. For information about how to grow German White garlic, click this article.
By Teo Spengler
My Garlic Looks Like An Onion – Why Are My Garlic Cloves Not Forming
Growing your own garlic is pretty easy. Home-grown garlic has so much more flavor than what you’ll find at the store. But if you have no garlic cloves or your garlic isn’t forming bulbs, it’s hard to enjoy the harvest. Troubleshoot the issue here to prevent it from reoccurring.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
What Is Early Red Italian Garlic – Tips On Early Red Italian Garlic Plant Care
Garlic lovers who’ve spent a few months without fresh garlic cloves are prime candidates for growing Early Red Italian, which is ready for harvest before many other types. Learn more about this garlic variety and how to grow it in this article.
By Becca Badgett
Common Garlic Problems: Treating Garlic Problems In The Garden
Growing garlic is a great garden activity, but it can be frustrating if diseases and pests raise their ugly heads. Learn about common problems and what to do to prevent them in the future by reading the information in this article.
By Kristi Waterworth
Garlic Plant Bulbils: Tips For Growing Garlic From Bulbils
Garlic propagation is often associated with the planting of garlic cloves. Another method for propagation is on the rise too, growing garlic from bulbils. The question is can you grow garlic from bulbils? Read this article for more info.
By Amy Grant
California Early Garlic Plants: When To Plant California Early Garlic
California Early garlic plants might be the most popular garlic in American gardens. This softneck garlic can be planted and harvested early. Click the following article for information about this type of garlic, including tips on how and when to plant California Early.
By Teo Spengler
What Is California Late Garlic – Tips For Growing California Late Garlic Bulbs
More than likely the garlic you get from the store is California Late white garlic, the most commonly used garlic in the United States, excellent for general use and stores quite well. The following article contains information on growing California Late garlic plants.
By Amy Grant
Grow Garlic Indoors With These Simple Steps
It’s true - you really can grow garlic in the house if you follow a few guidelines. Click here to learn how.
By Amy Grant
Can You Plant Garlic Near Tomatoes: Tips For Planting Garlic With Tomatoes
Companion planting is a modern term applied to an age old practice. Amongst the myriad of companion plant options, planting garlic with tomatoes, as well as with other types of vegetables, holds a unique place. Learn more here.
By Amy Grant