Earthy, pungent garlic is a highly versatile kitchen garden staple, with several growing methods and distinctive varieties. We show you when and how to plant bulbs, care for plants, and store well for longer-lasting harvests. Find out how to transform a few cloves into endless stashable edibles.
Garlic Bugs In Gardens: Information About Garlic Plant Pests
Garlic is fairly easy to grow and, for the most part, is pest resistant. In fact, it's often grown alongside other plants to their mutual benefit. That said, even garlic has its share of garlic plant pests. Learn more in this article.
By Amy Grant
Garlic Propagation: Propagating Garlic Cloves And Bulbs
Garlic plant propagation is a noteworthy pursuit for those of us who need our garlic fix. In this article, you will learn how to propagate garlic for a garden fresh supply of this Allium plant year around. Click here for more info.
By Bonnie L. Grant
My Garlic Fell Over - How To Fix Drooping Garlic Plants
During the course of 240 days to maturity, any number of pests, diseases and weather conditions can affect the garlic crop. One such crisis occurs when garlic is falling over. So, how to fix drooping garlic? Read here to learn more.
By Amy Grant
Storing Garlic Bulbs: How To Save Garlic For Next Year
Garlic is found in almost every cuisine on the planet. This popularity has led more and more people to cultivate their own bulbs. This leads one to wonder how to save garlic for next year's crop. This article will help with that.
By Amy Grant
Garlic Plant History: Learn About The Origins Of Garlic And Its Uses
By Shelley Pierce
How To Grow Garlic In Warmer Climates
Most garlic varieties need to a certain amount of cold weather to form the tasty bulbs. For gardeners in warmer climates, this can be a frustrating. Find out how to grow garlic in warmer climates.
By Heather Rhoades
Garlic Companion Planting: Plant Companions For Garlic
Garlic is one of the best companion crops out there. A natural pest and fungus deterrent with few incompatible neighbors, garlic is a good crop to plant scattered throughout your garden. Learn about the benefits of garlic companion planting here.
By Liz Baessler
What Is Purple Stripe Garlic: How To Grow Garlic With Purple Stripes
Purple Stripe garlic is suitable for growing in nearly every climate, including those with very cold winters. However, it may struggle in hot, humid climates. Learn about growing Purple Stripe garlic plants in the garden by clicking this article.
By Mary H. Dyer
What Is Chamiskuri Garlic – Learn About Chamiskuri Garlic Plant Care
Depending upon where you live, softneck garlic may be the optimal variety for you to grow. Chamiskuri garlic plants are an excellent example of this warm climate bulb. Gardeners in areas with mild winters should try growing Chamiskuri garlic. Learn more here.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Lorz Garlic Growing Info – Learn About Lorz Italian Garlic Plant Care
Lorz Italian garlic plants are easy to grow in nearly every climate, including regions with very cold winters. The plant is so prolific that a single pound of cloves may produce a harvest of up to 10 pounds of delicious garlic at harvest time. Learn more here.
By Mary H. Dyer
Garlic Uses – Learn About The Benefits Of Garlic Plants
Garlic uses aren't just limited to the kitchen, with many therapeutic abilities inherent in the bulb. So, if you're wondering what to do with garlic, grab a clove and get ready for some info on historical advantages with improved health. Click here to learn more.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Chesnok Red Garlic Care – How To Grow Chesnok Red Garlic Cloves
What is Chesnek Red garlic? It wins acclaim as one of the best tasting baking garlic available. Growing Chesnok Red garlic is not difficult and not very different than other types of garlic. For information on how to grow Chesnok Red garlic, click here.
By Teo Spengler
Polish Hardneck Variety: Growing Polish Hardneck Garlic In The Garden
The Polish hardneck variety is a type of porcelain garlic that is large, beautiful and well formed. If you are considering planting this variety, we’ll give you information about the these hardneck garlic bulbs and tips on growing them in this article.
By Teo Spengler
Persian Star Plant Info: How To Grow Persian Star Garlic Bulbs
Garlic gives you the most flavor for your efforts in the garden of any vegetable. There are a lot of varieties to try, but for a pretty purple stripe garlic with a milder taste, try Persian Star. Click this article for more Persian Star plant information.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
What Is Polish Red Garlic – Polish Red Garlic Plant Growing Guide
Garlic is a must have for the garden. The question is which type of garlic to grow? That depends upon your palate, the length of time you want to be able to store it, and what you want to use it for. Take Polish Red garlic bulbs, for instance. Learn about this garlic here.
By Amy Grant
Chet’s Italian Red Garlic Plant: Learn About Growing Chet’s Italian Red Garlic
While the taste of homegrown garlic varies among varieties, the plethora of options allows success for even the most persnickety of growers. Some cultivars may be very flavor-forward, but others, like Chet’s Italian red, offer a mellow and balanced taste. Learn more here.
By Tonya Barnett
Polish White Garlic Info: How To Grow Polish White Garlic Bulbs
Growing garlic at home is not only cost effective, but also allows growers to choose varieties that best suit their own tastes and needs in the kitchen. Polish White garlic is one such variety known for its mild taste. Click here for some more Polish White garlic info.
By Tonya Barnett