Earthy, pungent garlic is a highly versatile kitchen garden staple, with several growing methods and distinctive varieties. We show you when and how to plant bulbs, care for plants, and store well for longer-lasting harvests. Find out how to transform a few cloves into endless stashable edibles.
What Is Black Garlic: Learn About The Benefits Of Black Garlic
What looks a bit like garlic, or rather a whole clove of roasted garlic, only blacker in color? Black garlic. Never heard of it? Click the article that follows for some fascinating black garlic information and learn how to make black garlic of your own.
By Amy Grant
Can You Grow Garlic From Seed
Once in awhile someone wonders how to grow garlic from seed. While growing garlic is easy, there's no sure way to do so using garlic seed. Garlic is typically grown from cloves. Learn more in this article.
By Nikki Tilley
Elephant Garlic Care: How To Grow Elephant Garlic Plants
Another plant that can be used to impart a similar, though lighter, flavor of garlic is the elephant garlic plant. How do you grow elephant garlic and what are some of elephant garlic uses? Read this article to learn more.
By Amy Grant
Storing Garlic: Tips On How To Store Garlic From The Garden
Now that you have successfully grown and harvested your garlic, it is time to decide how to store your aromatic crop. The best way to store garlic depends on how you intend to use it. Read here to learn more.
By Susan Patterson
Fertilization Of Garlic: Tips On Feeding Garlic Plants
Garlic is a long-season crop, depending upon the variety. So, as you may imagine, the proper fertilization of garlic is of paramount importance. The question is not only how to fertilize garlic, but when is the best time for feeding garlic plants. This article will help.
By Amy Grant
Softneck Vs Hardneck Garlic - Should I Grow Softneck Or Hardneck Garlic
What’s the difference between softneck and hardneck garlic? Read on to learn more about what separates these two major varieties.
By Laura Miller
Homegrown Garlic Benefits – Top Reasons To Plant Garlic In The Garden
If you’re wondering why you should grow garlic, the better question might be, why not? Read on to learn the benefits of growing garlic.
By Mary H. Dyer
Ornamental Garlic Plants – Why My Garlic Is Flowering
Do garlic plants bloom? Garlic bulbs are no different than other bulbs in that they sprout and produce flowers. Ornamental garlic plants are grown to produce these blooms, which are called scapes. Learn more in this article.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Different Types Of Garlic: Garlic Varieties To Grow In The Garden
Garlic is not only nutritious, it's delicious! But have you ever wondered about the different types of garlic plants you can grow? Well, if so, this article will help. Read here for more information on garlic varieties.
By Amy Grant