Evocative and aromatic, bee-friendly lavender is one of our most versatile plants. At home in ornamental borders, container displays and drought-resistant drifts, these herbal mainstays deserve a place in every plot. Our growing guides show you how to get the best from these stunning shrubs.
How To Revive Dying Lavender Plants
Overwatering, over-pruning, and inadequate sun are the most common reasons for lavender dying. Let us take you through how to prevent it... and fix it!
By Amy Grant
8 Lavender Craft Ideas To Savor Your Garden Harvest
Home-grown lavender has endless uses for its enticing aroma, flavor, and therapeutic benefits. Discover creative crafts to make your harvest last for months.
By Melanie Griffiths
Edible Lavender Varieties To Grow In Your Herb Garden
Is all lavender edible? Not really. Some lavender is delicious, but not all varieties are the same.
By Amy Grant
When To Plant Lavender For Happier And Healthier Plants Guaranteed!
You may be surprised to learn that the best times to plant lavender seeds are the cooler months. Knowing when to plant lavender correctly gives these fragrant herbs the best start, as this guide explains
By Tonya Barnett
How To Propagate Lavender: A Complete How-To Guide
Lavender's a great favorite of herb growers. Learning how to propagate lavender lets you fill your garden with even more of these beautiful, fragrant plants.
By Jackie Carroll
Lavender Container Care: Tips On Growing Lavender In Pots
Lavender is a beautiful herb to grow in pots, planters or other containers. Read on for tips on the best practices.
By Liz Baessler
What Are The Best Plants To Grow With Lavender
Lavender is very good at protecting other plants from pests. Learn more about the best planting companions for lavender in this article.
By Liz Baessler
Lavender Seed Propagation – How To Plant Lavender Seeds
Lavender seeds are slow to germinate and plants grown from them may not flower in the first year, but if you?re patient and willing to put in the work, you can generate beautiful plants from seeds. Learn about starting lavender from seed in this article.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
Lavender Plant Division: Can Lavender Plants Be Divided
If you're reading this article, it means you have an interest in dividing lavender plants and who can blame you? The burning question is, however, can lavender plants be divided? The answer is, it's kind of complicated. Click here to learn more.
By Shelley Pierce
Lavender Mulching Tips: Learn About Mulch For Lavender Plants
When it comes to lavender mulch, what type of mulch is best and what mulches should be avoided? Click this article on to learn more.
By Mary H. Dyer
Lavender Plant Care: Reasons For Drooping Lavender Plants
Whether in the garden or containers, lavender is a fabulous plant to have on hand. But what do you do when it starts to fail? Click this article to learn more about lavender plant care and how to deal with drooping lavender plants.
By Liz Baessler
What To Do With Woody Lavender: Tips On Pruning Woody Lavender Plants
If you want to know what to do with woody lavender, understand that pruning woody lavender plants can often restore them to their former glory. Learn how to trim a lavender with woody stems in this article.
By Teo Spengler
Indoor Lavender Varieties – Tips On Caring For Lavender As A Houseplant
Lavenders need very warm, sunny weather to thrive outdoors. If your weather just won’t do, you may wonder about growing lavender indoors. You can if you pick the best indoor lavender varieties and give them the exposure they need. Learn more here.
By Teo Spengler
Lavender Harvest Time: How And When To Pick Lavender Plants
Harvesting lavender plants isn’t tricky, but knowing exactly how and when to do it allows you to get the most out of your bounty. Learn more here.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
Cooking With Lavender From The Garden
Most people love the scent of lavender but can’t imagine it in food. Those people are missing out! Click for lavender cooking tips.
By Amy Grant
Moving A Lavender Plant – How To Transplant Lavender In The Garden
Moving a lavender plant to a new location isn’t difficult as long as you prepare the new spot carefully. For tips on transplanting lavender, click here.
By Mary H. Dyer
Fernleaf Lavender Care – Planting And Harvesting Fernleaf Lavender
Fernleaf lavender is also commonly known as French lace lavender. The names refer to its fern-like leaves, which are grayish-green, deeply lobed, and can be described as lacy. Growing fernleaf lavender is similar to other types and you can learn more about the plant here.
By Mary Ellen Ellis