Flat leaf or curly, the pleasures of parsley go way beyond humble garnishes. We show you how to cultivate robust, satisfying, long-lasting culinary herbs. Find out how to best grow in pots or beds, prevent bolting, target wilting and tackle common pests, the best ways to propagate, and much more.
Learn To Grow Different Varieties Of Biscuitroot
Biscuitroot is found across much of western North America. To learn more about Lomatium plants, click here.
By Amy Grant
White Parsley Tips – Reasons For Parsley With White Leaf Tips
A fairly common occurrence is white tips on parsley. Why does parsley have white tips? White parsley tips may be caused by a number of things. To find out what to do about parsley with white leaf tips, click on the article that follows.
By Amy Grant
Parsley Leaf Spot: What Causes Leaf Spot On Parsley Plants
Arguably, the most common affliction of parsley involves leaf problems, usually spots. What causes leaf spots on parsley? Well, there are actually a number of reasons for parsley with leaf spots, but of these, there are two major leaf spot diseases. Learn about them here.
By Amy Grant
Parsley Care In Winter: Growing Parsley In Cold Weather
To keep a continuous supply of fresh parsley year round, you might ask, "Can you grow parsley in winter?" If so, does parsley need special care in the winter? The information found in this article can help answer these questions.
By Amy Grant
Tips On How To Grow Parsley
Parsley is a hardy herb grown for its flavor, which is added to many dishes, as well as its use as a decorative garnish. Find tips on how to grow parsley in the garden by reading the article that follows.
By Nikki Tilley
Diseases Of Parsley – Learn About Problems With Parsley Plants
Parsley plant problems are rare but a few insects and fungal diseases can become troublesome. Preventing parsley plant diseases begins with good site control and cultivation. This article will help with additional information.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Parsley Companion Planting: Learn About Plants That Grow Well With Parsley
well-known rule that some plants grow better next to others, however, and with parsley there's no exception. Keep reading to learn more about plants that grow well with parsley, as well as those that don't. Click here for more info.
By Liz Baessler
Information On Hamburg Rooted Parsley
By Darcy Larum
Giant Of Italy Parsley: How To Grow Italian Giant Parsley Herbs
Giant of Italy parsley plants produce huge, dark green leaves with strong flavor. Chefs often prefer it over standard curled parsley in many dishes. Growing Giant of Italy isn’t complicated. Click this article to learn how to grow Italian Giant parsley in your garden.
By Mary H. Dyer
What Is Titan Parsley: Tips For Growing Titan Parsley Herbs
Curly parsley may be king as a garnish, but flat leaf parsley has a stronger, more robust flavor. Titan Italian parsley is an excellent example of a flat leaf variety. What is Titan parsley? Learn all about this parsley variety and how to grow it in this article.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Curly Parsley Uses: What To Do With Curly Parsley Plants
Curly parsley grows in most every herb garden, often along with flat-leaved parsley. Many recipes only call for parsley. So what do you do? Let’s take a look at the differences in parsley varieties. Click this article for information on curly parsley plants and uses.
By Becca Badgett
Parsley Container Growing - How To Grow Parsley Indoors
Growing parsley indoors on a sunny windowsill is ornamental as well as practical. Learning how to grow parsley indoors is not at all complicated and neither is indoor parsley care. Click here for more info.
By Jackie Carroll
Bolting Parsley Plants: What To Do When Parsley Bolts
It's inevitable, but there are a few things that can delay it. What am I talking about? Bolting parsley plants. Basically that means that rather suddenly your parsley has flowered and then gone to seed. Find out what to do when parsley bolts here
By Amy Grant
Italian Flat Leaf Parsley: What Does Italian Parsley Look Like And How To Grow It
Italian flat leaf parsley may look unassuming but add it to soups and salads, and you add a fresh flavor and color that makes the dish. Try growing Italian parsley indoors or learn how to grow it outside in this article.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Parsley Plant Is Droopy: Fixing Leggy Parsley Plants
If you plant an herb garden, by all means use it! Herbs are meant to be cut; otherwise, they get gangly or woody. Parsley is no exception and if you don't prune it, you end up with leggy parsley plants. Learn more in this article.
By Amy Grant
Worm Control On Parsley: Information On Deterring Parsley Worms
If you happen to notice worms on your parsley, dill, and occasional carrot, chances are they are parsley worms. Read the following article to learn how to manage worms on parsley.
By Amy Grant
Fixing Wilted Parsley Plants: Reasons A Parsley Plant Is Wilting
Wilted parsley plants may represent a water issue or even disease. Refreshing wilted parsley might be as simple as providing water, but be cautious. Too much moisture can have a similar effect and may promote rot. Click here to learn more.
By Bonnie L. Grant