Flat leaf or curly, the pleasures of parsley go way beyond humble garnishes. We show you how to cultivate robust, satisfying, long-lasting culinary herbs. Find out how to best grow in pots or beds, prevent bolting, target wilting and tackle common pests, the best ways to propagate, and much more.
Parsley Has Yellow Spots On Leaves: Why Does Parsley Turn Yellow?
Parsley is one of the most popular and commonly grown herbs with a variety of uses. But, what is going on when the parsley has yellow spots on leaves? Read here for answers to why parsley plants turn yellow.
By Amy Grant
Mitsuba Plant Info: Learn About Growing Japanese Parsley
If you're finding your herbs a bit ho-hum, you should try introducing some Japanese Mitsuba parsley into the garden. What is Japanese parsley? Find out more about this interesting herb and how to plant it in this article.
By Amy Grant
Best Parsley Varieties – Common Types Of Parsley In The Garden
good old curly parsley is the most familiar, you might be surprised that there are many different kinds of parsley. Learn about various types of parsley you can grow and use in the garden in the article that follows.
By Mary H. Dyer
Using Parsley For Butterflies: How To Attract Black Swallowtail Butterflies
My parsley is attracting butterflies; what?s going on? Parsley is a butterfly-friendly plant, and is especially beneficial for attracting swallowtails. To learn about parsley attracting butterflies and tips for growing parsley for butterflies, click here.
By Mary H. Dyer
Parsley Seed Growing – Learn How To Grow Parsley From Seed
Parsley is a biennial that is primarily grown as an annual. Most of us buy our herb starts, but can parsley be grown from seeds? If so, how do you grow parsley from seed? Learn the answers to these questions in this article.
By Amy Grant