Beets are cold hardy and so easy to grow. They're also versatile - one vegetable you can happily eat every part of - and they come in a dazzling array of colors. We've got everything you need to know about beet care, from varieties pests to growing conditions and much more.
Curly Top Of Beet Plants – How To Treat Curly Top In Beets
Curly top virus on beets can be easily spread to other crops. To minimize the risk of other crops contracting the disease, click this article to learn how to recognize the signs of curly top of beet plants and how to treat curly top in beets.
By Amy Grant
Southern Blight On Beets: Learn About Southern Blight Beet Treatment
Sometimes fungus just happens regardless of your level of gardening expertise. One such fungal disease is barely noticeable until it is too late is southern blight on beets. What is southern blight? Click this article for the answer.
By Darcy Larum
Beet Companion Plants: Learn About Suitable Beet Plant Companions
This year we are growing beets for the first time and wondered what is good to plant with the beets. That is, what beet plant companions might enhance their overall health and production? Turns out there is a number to choose from. Learn more here.
By Amy Grant
Beet Plant Height: Do Beets Get Big?
Squash can literally take over even when it's grown vertically, as can many tomato varieties. Cauliflower and broccoli are garden hogs too. How about root veggies like beets? How tall do beet plants grow? Find out in this article.
By Amy Grant
Root-Knot Nematode On Beets: How To Treat Root-Knot Nematode In Beets
Healthy beets are the goal of every grower, but sometimes your plantings hold secrets you don't realize until it's too late. Root-knot nematodes are one of those unpleasant surprises. Learn more about controlling them in this article.
By Kristi Waterworth
Beet Cercospora Spot - How To Treat Cercospora Spot On Beets
Growing beets can give you practically unlimited access to this healthy root vegetable, provided the plants stay healthy. Problems like Cercospora spot can cut your beet party short but, fortunately, it?s an easily treatable condition if caught early. Learn more here.
By Kristi Waterworth
Fertilizing Beet Plants: Learn When And How To Fertilize Beets
Both the root and the greens are high in vitamins and nutrients. Bigger, sweeter roots come from plants that are grown in highly fertile ground. Learn more about feeding beet plants in this article. Click here for more information.
By Bonnie L. Grant
What Are Sugar Beets: Sugar Beet Uses And Cultivation
We've been hearing a lot about corn syrup of late, but sugars used in commercially processed foods are derived from other sources besides corn. Sugar beet plants are one such source. Learn more about growing sugar beets in this article.
By Amy Grant
Watering Schedule For Beets: How To Avoid Over Watering Beets
Though they are considered a thirsty crop, it is important to avoid over watering beets. Too much water can lead to disease and insect infestations, and possible crop failure. Learn more about beet plant watering in this article.
By Gardening Know How
Growing Golden Beets: Tips On Caring For Golden Beet Plants
I love beets, but I do not love prepping them to be cooked. I am not fond of the way it imparts its color to other roasting veggies. But fear not. There is another beet out there - the golden beet. So, what are golden beets? Find out here.
By Amy Grant
Beet Seed Planting: Can You Grow Beets From Seeds
Beets are cool season veggies grown primarily for their roots, or occasionally for the nutritious beet tops. A fairly easy vegetable to grow, the question is how do you propagate beet root? Can you grow beets from seeds? Find out here.
By Amy Grant
Types Of Beet Plants: Learn About Different Beet Varieties
If you live in a cool climate, cultivating beets is the perfect garden project for you. There are many different beet varieties, so it's just a matter of deciding which types of beet plants you would like to grow. This article can help.
By Amy Grant
Beet Plant Flowering: How To Avoid Bolting In Beetroot
A cool weather vegetable, beets are primarily grown for their sweet roots. When the plant flowers, the energy ends up going into flowering rather than into fostering beet root size. The question then is "how to avoid bolting in beetroots?" This article will help.
By Amy Grant
Learn About Golden Beetroot History
If you are particularly accident prone, like me, you might want to avoid bright colored staining vegetables like beets. That pinkish-red never comes out. Fortunately, there is a clothes saving alternative beet. Growing Burpee’s Golden beet is the answer.
By Bonnie Grant
Information On Crapaudine Beets
Among all the heirloom beet varieties, the Crapaudine is thought to be the oldest, possibly dating back a thousand years. In M. Vilmorin-Andrieux’s book The Vegetable Garden, published in 1882, it was referred to as “one of the oldest varieties.†And it looks the part.
By Liz Baessler
DIY Natural Pink Beet Dye - Using Beets To Dye Clothes, Easter Eggs And Food
People have been using beets to dye fabric for centuries. Keep reading to learn how to make dye with beets for fabric, food and more.
By Amy Grant
Mosaic Virus On Beets: How To Prevent Beet Mosaic Virus
Beet mosaic virus, known scientifically as BtMV, is an unfamiliar disease for most gardeners. It can, however, show up in home gardens, especially in areas where beets or spinach are grown commercially. So what is mosaic virus on beets? Click here to learn more.
By Ilana Goldowitz Jimenez