Known for their crunchy texture, orange color and slightly sweet taste, carrots are a popular garden staple. Growing carrots is relatively easy and they’re generally carefree, with little pest or disease problems. That being said, it never hurts to have information about carrots, covering all aspects of their care. Our tips can help reduce the likelihood of any issues that do pop up when caring for carrot plants.
What Is Carrot Black Root Rot: Learn About Black Root Rot Of Carrots
Black root rot of carrots is a nasty fungal disease that plagues gardeners around the world. Once established, carrot black root rot is difficult to eradicate and chemicals are of little use. However, there are steps you can take to minimize the damage and this article will help.
By Mary H. Dyer
Managing Aster Yellows Of Carrots – Learn About Aster Yellows In Carrot Crops
Aster yellows disease is a disease caused by a mycoplasma organism. How does aster yellows present in carrots? The following article contains information on aster yellows symptoms, specifically carrot aster yellows and its control.
By Amy Grant
Storing Carrots For Winter - How To Store Carrots In The Ground
Homegrown carrots are so delicious that it is very natural for a gardener to wonder if there is a way of storing garden carrots so that they will last through the winter. This article will help with overwintering carrots.
By Heather Rhoades
Deformed Carrots: Reasons For Distorted Carrots And How To Fix A Carrot Deformity
Carrots are a root vegetable with a characteristic, long-pointed, edible root. Deformed carrots can be caused by a variety of problems, and this article explains what those are and how to avoid them.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Learn About Saving Carrot Seeds
Is it possible to save seeds from carrots? Do carrots even have seeds? And, if so, why haven't I seen them on my plants? How do you save seeds from carrots? Read this article to find answers to these questions.
By Jackie Rhoades
Carrot Soil Profile: How To Fix Your Soil To Grow Healthier Carrots
You may have seen them. The crooked, forked roots of carrots that are mutated and malformed. While edible, they lack the appeal of properly grown carrots and look a bit alien. Learn how to grow healthy carrots here.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Indoor Carrot Garden: Tips For Growing Carrots Indoors
Can carrots grow indoors? Yes, and growing carrots in containers is easier than growing them in the garden because they thrive on a steady supply of moisture. Read here for tips on growing carrots indoors.
By Jackie Carroll
What Are Carrot Weevils: Tips On Carrot Weevil Management In Gardens
Carrot weevils are tiny beetles with big appetites for carrots and related plants. Once they're established, these insects can devastate your carrot, celery and parsley crops. Click this article to find out about carrot weevil management.
By Jackie Carroll
Growing Carrots For Black Swallowtail Butterflies: Do Black Swallowtails Eat Carrots
Carrots and black swallowtail caterpillars have a love/hate relationship. Carrots and their cousins provide egg locations for adults and food for young larvae. You can learn more about this relationship in the article that follows.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Danvers Carrot Information: How To Grow Danvers Carrots
Danvers carrots are medium sized carrots, often called "half size." Danvers were an early orange cultivar, as previous favored selections were white, red, yellow and purple. Click this article to learn how to grow Danvers carrots and a bit about their history.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Root Knot Nematode Control : Saving Carrots Affected By Root Knot Nematodes
Carrots affected by root knot nematodes display malformed, stubby, hairy roots. The carrots are still edible, but they are ugly and distorted. Additionally, reduced yields are inevitable. Root knot nematode control is possible and this article will help.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Why Carrots Crack: Tips For Preventing Cracking In Carrots
Carrots are an extremely popular vegetable in the garden plot, but if you are seeing split carrot roots, you may be wondering how to prevent cracking in carrots crops. Read this article to find out.
By Amy Grant
Carrot Disease Management: Learn About Diseases Affecting Carrots
Because carrots are hidden below ground, they can become infected with disease that you may not notice until you harvest your crop. But if you watch your carrots carefully, you may detect disease symptoms above ground. This article will help.
By Victoria Blackstone
Carrot Rust Fly Control: Tips For Controlling Rust Fly Maggots
When carrot pests attack the roots and leave the foliage, this tasty edible food is ruined. Rust fly maggots cause particular harm to the roots. Find out how to get rid of these pests in this article.
By Bonnie L. Grant