Mmm, sweet corn on the cob. What a wonderful summer treat, especially when it’s home grown. The following information provides tips for growing corn of all kinds and how to care for corn so you can get the most of your harvest. Learn what corn needs to grow and how to tackle common corn problems and you will soon enjoy your own corn picked fresh from the garden.
No Ears On Corn Stalks: Why Is My Corn Not Producing Ears
We are growing corn this year. As with everything we grow, we hope the outcome will be some juicy, sweet corn, but I've had some problems in the past and maybe you have to. Have you ever grown corn plants without ears? Get more info about that here.
By Amy Grant
Growing Popcorn - Popcorn Growing Conditions And How To Grow Popcorn
Did you know you can grow popcorn in the garden? Popcorn is not only a fun and tasty crop to grow in the garden, but it will also store for several months after harvesting. Read here to learn more popcorn plant info.
By Jackie Carroll
Cross Pollination Of Corn: Preventing Cross Pollinating In Corn
In order to keep your crop at its best, preventing cross pollinating in corn is vital. To learn more about the effects of cross pollination in corn and how to reduce this, read the article that follows.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Tips For Growing Corn Indoors
For people who live in apartments or simply need an escape from the winter blahs, the idea of growing corn indoors may seem intriguing. But you have to be dedicated. Learn how to grow corn plants indoors here.
By Heather Rhoades
Growing Corn In Pots: Learn How To Grow Corn In A Container
Got soil, got a container, got a balcony, rooftop, or a stoop? If the answer to these is yes, you may ask, "Can you grow corn in containers?". Yes, you can grow corn in a container, and this article will help.
By Amy Grant
Yellowing Corn Leaves: Why Corn Plant Leaves Turn Yellow
Corn is one of the most popular crops to grow in the home garden. Not only is it delicious, but it is impressive when all goes well. But what happens if your corn plants have yellowing leaves? And how do you go about treating them? Find out here.
By Amy Grant
Common Smut Of Corn: What To Do For Corn Smut Fungus
Gardeners with extra space to plant corn are truly the lucky ones, but when that corn crop develops corn smut, it can be devastating. Find out what to do about these unusual silvery growths on your corn in this article.
By Kristi Waterworth
Stewart’s Wilt Of Corn Plants – Treating Corn With Stewart’s Wilt Disease
For many growers, issues with pollination and disease can be a cause for concern. Luckily, many common corn problems can be prevented with some forethought. One such disease, called Stewart’s wilt, can be greatly diminished with a few simple techniques. Learn more here.
By Tonya Barnett
Corn Plant Problems: Reasons A Corn Plant Is Wilted
If you have withering corn plants, the most likely cause is environmental. Corn plant problems such as wilting may be the result of temperature fluxes and irrigation, but some diseases afflict corn plants too. Learn more about this here.
By Amy Grant
Why Is My Sweet Corn Not Sweet: Fixing Corn That Is Not Sweet
Corn is relatively easy to grow and getting corn to taste sweet generally involves no more than proper watering and fertilization. When sweet corn isn?t sweet, the problem may be the type of corn you planted or the timing of harvest. Click here for more details.
By Mary H. Dyer
Ornamental Corn Uses: Tips For Growing Ornamental Corn
Ornamental corn plants can be used in a variety of decorative schemes to celebrate holidays or complement autumn's natural hues. Learn more about growing and caring for ornamental corn here.
By Amy Grant