Eggplant is a popular vegetable most noted for its great flavor and dark purple color. While growing eggplants may not be for everyone, those wishing to give it a go can find what they need in our eggplant care guide. Gardeners frustrated with eggplant growing problems need not worry anymore. The following articles help tackle many of these complaints so you can focus on a healthy eggplant harvest.
Jilo Eggplant Info: How To Grow A Jilo Brazilian Eggplant
Jilo Brazilian eggplant produces small, vibrant red fruit and, as the name suggests, is widely grown in Brazil, but Brazilians aren’t the only ones growing jilo eggplants. Click the following article for more jilo eggplant info.
By Amy Grant
Nadia Eggplant Info – Nadia Eggplant Care In The Garden
If you’re looking for an eggplant variety to grow in your garden or a container on your deck, consider Nadia. This is a traditional, black, Italian type with the shape of a teardrop. They’re prolific and long-term producers. Click here for more information.
By Becca Badgett
Italian Eggplant Varieties: Tips On Italian Eggplant Growing And Uses
Perhaps you’re new to eggplant, both cooking and growing it. It is an attractive plant producing a nutritious edible fruit. There are numerous Italian eggplant varieties to grow and multiple ways to cook them. Learn more about Italian eggplants in this article.
By Becca Badgett
Black Beauty Eggplant Info: How To Grow A Black Beauty Eggplant
Growing homegrown crops, such as eggplants, may feel somewhat intimidating. Luckily, with some basic knowledge, even novice growers are able to reap the benefits of their hard work in the garden. Click this article for tips on growing Black Beauty eggplants.
By Tonya Barnett
Eggplant Anthracnose – Eggplant Colletotrichum Fruit Rot Treatment
Eggplant colletotrichum fruit rot affects the skin initially and can progress to the interior of the fruit. It is very contagious, but the good news is that it can be prevented and controlled if confronted early enough. Click this article to for more information.
By Bonnie L. Grant
What Causes Eggplant Yellows: Learn About Eggplant Tobacco Ringspot Virus
Eggplants with tobacco ringspot may turn completely yellow and die, leaving you with no harvest for the season. You can prevent and control this viral disease by managing pests, using resistant varieties, and practicing good garden hygiene. This article can help.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
Eggplant Harvest: Information On How To Harvest An Eggplant
Learning when to harvest eggplants results in the tastiest and most tender of the fruit. Leaving the eggplant harvest too long causes bitter eggplant with a tough skin and large seeds. Find harvesting tips here.
By Becca Badgett
Eggplant Verticillium Wilt Control : Treating Verticillium Wilt In Eggplants
Eggplant verticillium wilt is devastating to the crop. It can survive for years in soil and overwinter even in severe weather regions. The symptoms mimic several other diseases, so it is important to make an accurate diagnosis. This article will help.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Eggplant Turning Yellow: What To Do For An Eggplant With Yellow Leaves Or Fruit
If eggplants start to show signs of trouble, like yellow fruit or leaves, knowing how to fix yellow eggplant will keep your harvest on track. The information in this article will help with yellowing of eggplants.
By Kristi Waterworth
Eggplant Seed Preparation: Tips For Growing Eggplant Seeds
Eggplants are veggies which are usually transplanted rather than directly sown in the garden. How then does one grow eggplant from seeds? Read this article for information on starting eggplant seeds indoors.
By Amy Grant
Rotten Bottom In Eggplants: Learn About Blossom End Rot In Eggplant
Blossom end rot is in eggplant is a common disorder also found in other members of the family Solanaceae, like tomatoes and peppers. What exactly causes a rotten bottom in eggplants and is there a way to prevent eggplant blossom rot? Read here to find out.
By Amy Grant
Growing Eggplants: How To Plant Eggplant In The Garden
Growing eggplants in the veggie garden can be so rewarding when the time comes to harvest these tasty, versatile plants. By understanding what eggplants need to grow and thrive, you can ensure a good harvest. Click this article for more information.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
Companion Plants For Eggplant - What To Grow With Eggplants
In addition to sun, eggplant needs additional nutrition, consistent watering and protection from insect attacks. There are, however, some companion plants for eggplant that will make the prospect of growing them a bit less complicated. Learn more here.
By Amy Grant
Types Of White Eggplant: Are There Eggplants That Are White
For centuries, deep purple to black varieties were all the rage. Today, however, it is varieties which are pure white, or have white striping or mottling, that are highly coveted. Click this article for a list of eggplants that are white and tips on growing white eggplants.
By Darcy Larum
Ping Tung Eggplant Info – How To Grow Ping Tung Eggplant
Some eggplants produce bigger and brighter versions of the classic purple. Others may produce small oval white fruit that look like eggs. Some, like Ping Tung Long eggplant, produce long, slender fruits. Take a closer look at this Ping Tung eggplant variety here.
By Darcy Larum