There are many types of peppers that can be grown in the garden. So many, in fact, that you are certain to find one that suits your particular needs, even if it’s in a container. The care of pepper plants is easy once you know how to handle common pepper plant problems that are likely to crop up. To avoid most pepper plant problems, we have included lots of handy information for growing peppers successfully. Keep reading to learn all about the care of pepper plants and the different types of peppers you can grow.
Bottom Of Pepper Is Rotting: Fixing Blossom End Rot On Peppers
When a pepper's bottom rots, it can be frustrating to a gardener. When bottom rot occurs, it is typically caused by pepper blossom end rot. Blossom end rot on peppers is fixable though, and this article can help.
By Heather Rhoades
Tips To Stop Sunscald On Pepper Plants
Even the most heat seeking plant can get too much of a good thing. Pepper sunscald is common when the plants are forming fruit in the late summer heat. Find tips for preventing sunscald on pepper fruit here.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Chili Peppers Not Hot - How To Get Hot Chili Peppers
Chili peppers are synonymous with mouth burning sensory heat. It is hard to imagine chilies not getting hot unless you are a culinary professional. Read here to learn why your chili peppers may be too mild.
By Bonnie L. Grant
How To Grow Red Peppers
For many gardeners, how to grow red peppers is a mystery. So what does it take to grow a red pepper? How hard is growing red bell peppers? Read this article to find out more about growing red peppers.
By Heather Rhoades
Pepper Plant Companions – What Are Good Companions For Peppers
Growing peppers? You'll be glad to know that there are many pepper plant companions that can benefit your peppers. Find out about pepper companion planting and plants that like to grow with peppers in this article. Click here.
By Amy Grant
Bell Pepper Info And Planting – How To Start Growing Peppers
Like most gardeners, when you’re planning your vegetable garden, you’ll probably want to include bell peppers. Brush up on some bell pepper info in this article to learn all about growing these vegetables. A little knowledge about pepper plant care will go a long way.
By Caroline Bloomfield
Pepper Wilt On Plants - What Causes Wilting Peppers
When pepper plants wilt, you should pay attention. This article will explain the tough-to-eradicate diseases that may be affecting your pepper plants.
By Kristi Waterworth
How And When To Pick Peppers – For The Freshest Flavor & Longest Shelf Life
Peppers are extremely fun to grow and there are dizzying arrays to choose from with a variety of colors and flavors. Because of this variety, it is sometimes difficult to know when to begin harvesting the peppers. This article can help.
By Amy Grant
Why A Pepper Plant Won't Produce Flowers Or Fruit
Generally, my plants set a couple of fruit at best, or no fruit at all on the pepper plants. That led me to do a little research on why a pepper plant won?t produce. Find out the reasons and what can be done in this article.
By Amy Grant
Pepper Mosaic Virus: Learn About Mosaic Virus On Pepper Plants
Mosaic is a viral disease that affects quality and reduces yield in a wide variety of plants, including sweet and hot peppers. Once infection occurs, there are no cures. Even fungicides are of no use against pepper mosaic virus. Learn about mosaic virus on pepper plants here.
By Mary H. Dyer
How To Stake Pepper Plants
Although pepper plants are usually considered to be fairly sturdy plants, they have been known to break on occasion from the weight of developing fruit. Read here for the best way to stake peppers.
By Nikki Tilley
Are Bell Pepper Lobes An Indicator Of Pepper Plant Gender And Seed Production?
You've likely seen or heard the claim floating around social media that one can tell the gender of a pepper, or which has more seeds, by the number of lobes or bumps, along the bottom of the fruit. Find out if it's true in this article.
By Nikki Tilley
Hand Pollinating Peppers: How To Hand Pollinate Pepper Plants
In years past, I was never able to get any fruit set on pepper plants. Maybe I should have tried hand pollinating my peppers. Read this article for information on how to hand pollinate a pepper plant should fruit set be an issue for you.
By Amy Grant
Szechuan Pepper Info – Learn How To Grow Szechuan Peppers
Are you interested in raising your own Szechuan pepper? Growing this sturdy plant isn’t difficult for gardeners in USDA plant hardiness zones 6 through 9. Click on the following article and learn how to grow Szechuan peppers in your landscape.
By Mary H. Dyer
Why Are My Peppers Bitter – How To Sweeten Peppers In The Garden
There are few things more jarring than a bitter bell pepper in a favorite dish. What causes bitter peppers? The reasons may be cultural, varietal or simply the result of an impatient gardener. Click this article to learn why peppers in the garden taste bitter.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Italian Peppers For Frying: Tips For Growing Italian Frying Peppers
If you're lucky enough to have eaten Italian frying peppers, you no doubt want to grow your own. Those who have never consumed this delight are wondering, "What are Italian frying peppers?" Click here to find out about Italian peppers for frying.
By Amy Grant
Pimento Sweet Peppers: Tips For Growing Pimento Peppers
If you love peppers, pimento pepper plants make a tasty, as well as ornamental, addition to the garden. So how to grow pimento pepper plants? This article will help you get started with pimento pepper growing and care.
By Amy Grant