Growing squash plants isn’t difficult once you know the basics for the proper care of squash. Learning how to grow squash successfully includes becoming familiar with the types of squash grown, what conditions they prefer, and common squash pests or diseases that may affect them. So to find out more about growing squash plants, continue reading for advice on the general care of squash in the garden.
Companion Planting Squash In The Garden
The Three Sisters method is a time-honored tradition in which corn, beans and squash are planted together. But corn and beans aren't the only companion plants for squash.
By Laura Miller
Prevent Squash Vine Borer By Planting Early Or Late
If Squash Vine Borers have paid a visit to your squash, pumpkins, melons or cucumbers, we are sorry. But there are ways to help!
By Amy Grant
Best Ways To Grow Summer Squash Vertically
Have you ever considered growing summer squash on a trellis? Growing vegetables vertically saves space, prevents pest damage, and reduces disease issues. Click to learn more.
By Laura Miller
Best Acorn Squash Varieties For Home Gardens
While most acorn squash is green on the outside and orange on the inside, there actually come in an array of colors. Click for more.
By Amy Grant
How And When To Pick Acorn Squash
Acorn squash is grown and harvested much like any other type of winter squash variety. Acorn squash harvest takes place once rinds have become tough rather than tender summer squash. Click here for more info.
By Nikki Tilley
Can Squash Cross Pollinate With Cucumbers
An old wives tale says if you plan to grow squash and cucumbers in the same garden, you should plant them as far away to prevent cross pollination. So do squash and cucumber plants cross pollinate? Find out here.
By Heather Rhoades
Calabaza Squash Uses – How To Grow Calabaza Squash In The Garden
While it's less common in the United States, Calabaza squash is not hard to grow and can be very rewarding, particularly when used in Latin American cooking. Learn more about how to grow Calabaza squash plants and Calabaza squash uses in this article.
By Liz Baessler
Cucuzza Squash Plants: Tips On Growing Cucuzza Italian Squash
A favorite squash of Sicilians, cucuzza squash is gaining some popularity in North America. Never heard of cucuzza squash plants? Click here to find out what a cucuzza squash is and information about growing cucuzza Italian squash.
By Amy Grant
Saving Squash Seeds: Learn About Squash Seed Harvesting & Storage
Perhaps you have wondered if collecting seeds from prized squash might result in another crop just as amazing. What is the best method then of squash seed collection and saving those premium squash seeds? This article will help.
By Amy Grant
What To Do For Squash And Pumpkin Rot Disease
What could be the cause for squash that is rotting on the vine or pumpkin rot disease? How can cucurbit fruit rot be avoided or controlled? Many cucurbits may be prone to decay while on the vine and this article can help.
By Amy Grant
Growing Variegated Scallop Squash
There is no better bang for the buck than the squash crop. Patty pans, or scallop squash, look a bit like architectural renditions of flying saucers. The Jaune et Verte squash is a French heirloom scallop with a creamy flesh and lovely variegated shell.
By Bonnie Grant
History Of Golden Hubbard Squash
Golden Hubbard squash is an attractive winter squash with a tear-drop shape and a deep orange-red or golden-red shell. The innards of this squash are golden-yellow, with a mild flavor and sweetness that exceeds most varieties of Hubbard squash.
By Mary H. Dyer
Growing Heirloom Winter Squash: Turk's Turban Info
Varieties of squash have been grown since ancient times, with earliest types being smaller and far more bitter than what we know today, and cultivated more for their ornamental value than anything else. Of these old-time plants is Turk's Turban.
By Nikki Tilley
Learn About Lakota Squash History
The Lakota is a particularly beautiful and tasty squash that gets rave reviews from the few people who are in the know. But, for some reason, the Lakota winter squash doesn’t have nearly the same following as, say, its butternut and acorn cousins.
By Liz Baessler
What Is Zucchino Rampicante Squash
By Teo Spengler
History Of Victor Winter Squash
By Bonnie Grant
Learn About Gelber Englischer Custard Squash
By Bonnie Grant