Growing squash plants isn’t difficult once you know the basics for the proper care of squash. Learning how to grow squash successfully includes becoming familiar with the types of squash grown, what conditions they prefer, and common squash pests or diseases that may affect them. So to find out more about growing squash plants, continue reading for advice on the general care of squash in the garden.
Heirloom Squash Plants - History Of Gete Okosomin Squash
By Liz Baessler
Squash Blossoms Falling Off Vine
You just spent several weeks lovingly caring for a squash plant. Then the next thing you know, those squash blossoms are falling off the vine. What should you do? Read here to learn why squash blossoms fall off the vine.
By Heather Rhoades
Grow Plants From The First Thanksgiving - Heirloom Squash Varieties To Try
Growing heirloom vegetables from the first Thanksgiving dinner is an interesting way to gain a new perspective in the garden.
By Tonya Barnett
Squash Arch Ideas – Learn To Make A DIY Squash Arch
If you’ve ever grown squash, then you know what the vines can do to your garden beds. It can also be crowding for other veggies you may be growing. A squash arch can help with these issues and become a nice focal point for your garden. To learn more, click here.
By Teo Spengler
What Is A Sweet Dumpling Squash – Sweet Dumpling Acorn Squash Growing
If you love winter squash but find that their size is somewhat intimidating, try growing Sweet Dumpling acorn squash. What is a Sweet Dumpling squash? Click this article to learn more and find tips on growing Sweet Dumpling squash plants in your garden.
By Amy Grant
Buttercup Squash Facts – Learn How To Grow Buttercup Squash Vines
Buttercup squash plants are a type of kabocha winter squash and can be stored for a long time due to their hard rinds. As the name would suggest, the flesh cooks up with a sweet buttery flavor. For tips on how to grow your own buttercup squash, click this article.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Growing Squash Indoors – How To Grow Squash Inside Your House
Can you grow squash plants inside? Yes, you can, and it’s relatively easy. They may be smaller, but indoor squash plants can produce a hefty harvest beginning about sixty days after planting. Sound like fun? Learn about growing squash indoors in this article.
By Mary H. Dyer
Winter Squash Varieties: How To Choose A Winter Squash Plant
When it comes to types of winter squash, gardeners have a huge selection from which to choose. Wondering how to choose a winter squash for your garden? Click the following article for more details about different kinds of winter squash.
By Mary H. Dyer
Is Eating Tendrils Safe – Learn How To Harvest Squash Tendrils
Other cultures have more of a tendency to eat the entirety of their produce, meaning the leaves, stems, sometimes even roots, blossoms and seeds of a crop. Consider squash, for example. Can you eat squash shoots? Yes, indeed. Learn more in this article.
By Amy Grant
Crookneck Squash Varieties: How To Grow Crookneck Squash Plants
Growing crookneck squash is common in the home garden. Ease of growing and versatility of preparation make crookneck squash varieties a favorite. If you’re asking “what is crookneck squash?”, then this article can help. Click here for more info.
By Becca Badgett
What Is Straightneck Squash – Learn About Straightneck Squash Varieties
Summer squashes are prized for their upright and bushy growth habit and usefulness in the kitchen. Types such as straightneck are perfect for those looking to enjoy early season harvests from the garden without the stress of starting seeds indoors. Learn more here.
By Tonya Barnett
Marrow Squash Plant – How To Grow Marrow Vegetables
In gardens in the UK and other countries around the world, “marrow” refers to certain varieties of summer squash because their oval shaped fruit contains a creamy white, spongy flesh surrounded by a hard but thin skin. Learn how to grow marrow plants in your garden here.
By Darcy Larum
Growing Winter Squash In Your Garden
Try growing some easy-care winter squash in your garden. Plant it in early spring for a nutritious fall treat.
By Gardening Know How
Summer Squash Planting: How To Grow Summer Squash
The summer squash plant is a versatile plant that can include so many different types of squash from yellow squash to zucchini. Growing summer squash is similar to growing any other type of vining plants. Learn more here.
By Kathee Mierzejewski
Acorn Squash Growing Tips For Your Garden
Acorn squash can be kept through the winter, unlike their thin skinned and vulnerable cousins, the summer squash. Learn how to grow acorn squash in your garden and find harvesting tips in this article.
By Jackie Rhoades
Yellow Bumpy Squash: Why Is My Squash Bumpy
While yellow bumpy squash occur when summer varieties are left on the vine too long, there are other reasons for bumpy squash. Read this article to find out what else causes lumpy squash plants.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Squash Rotting On End: Squash Blossom End Rot Causes And Treatment
While blossom end rot is commonly thought of as a problem that affects tomatoes, it also affects squash. The causes for squash end rot are simple. Read this article for tips on how to treat blossom end rot on squash.
By Heather Rhoades