Growing tomato plants are one of the most popular veggies grown in the garden, so it’s no wonder why caring for tomatoes is so important to their overall success. Our tomato plant info will help guide you through the entire process—from those first learning how to grow tomatoes to those simply looking for tips on caring for tomatoes once they’re up and growing. Tomato plants require special care to develop into healthy, flavorful fruits. So keep reading for tips on how to grow tomatoes your family will love.
Paul Robeson History: What Are Paul Robeson Tomatoes
Paul Robeson is a tomato cult classic. Loved by seed savers and tomato enthusiasts both for its distinct flavor and for its fascinating namesake, it is a real cut above the rest. Learn more about growing Paul Robeson tomatoes and their care in this article.
By Liz Baessler
Determinate vs Indeterminate Tomatoes: How To Distinguish A Determinate From An Indeterminate Tomato
Tomatoes are classified by their growth habit and fall into the categories of determinate and indeterminate tomato varieties. Once you know the characteristics, it is easy to tell which are which. This article will help.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Talladega Plant Info: Growing Talladega Tomatoes In The Garden
Talladega tomato plants come from Mexico and, unlike many cultivars, it does exceptionally well in very hot areas. For more Talladega plant information, including tips on how to grow Talladega tomato plants, the following article will help.
By Teo Spengler
Homestead 24 Plant Care: How To Grow Homestead 24 Tomato Plants
Homestead 24 tomato plants are good for late-summer canning, making sauce, or for eating on salads and sandwiches. There will likely be plenty for all uses during its determinate season of harvest and beyond. Click here to learn more about growing these tomatoes.
By Becca Badgett
Summer Set Tomato Care – How To Grow Summer Set Tomatoes In The Garden
Tomato lovers who grow their own are always in search of the plants that produce perfect fruits. Summer Set heat resistance is such that even when temperatures are at their hottest it will set fruit, making it an excellent choice for southern gardeners. Learn more here.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Reverend Morrow’s Tomato Plant: Caring For Reverend Morrow’s Heirloom Tomatoes
If you are looking for a tomato plant with fruit that lasts a long time in storage, Reverend Morrow?s Long Keeper tomatoes might be the very thing. These thick-skinned tomatoes can hold their own in storage for a long time. Learn more in this article.
By Teo Spengler
Ruffled Yellow Tomato Info – What Is A Yellow Ruffled Tomato
As the name suggests, Yellow Ruffled tomato is a golden-yellow tomato with pronounced pleats, or ruffles. Growing Yellow Ruffled tomatoes is fairly straightforward as long as you can provide the plant?s basic needs as far as soil, water and sunlight. Learn more here.
By Mary H. Dyer
White Beauty Tomato Care: What Is A White Beauty Tomato
If you're looking to grow a unique tomato with more color in its history than in its skin, look no further than White Beauty tomatoes. What is a White Beauty tomato? Click on the article that follows for the answer.
By Darcy Larum
Tomato Suckers - How To Identify Suckers On A Tomato Plant
Tomato plant suckers is a term that can leave a new gardener scratching his or her head. What are suckers on a tomato plant? And, just as importantly, how to identify suckers on a tomato plant? Read here to find out.
By Heather Rhoades
Light Requirements For Tomatoes - How Much Sun Do Tomato Plants Need
Growing tomatoes and sun go hand in hand. Without enough sun, a tomato plant can't produce fruit. You may be wondering how much sun do tomato plants need and does my garden get enough sun for tomatoes? Find out here.
By Heather Rhoades
Spacing Tomato Plants: How To Space Tomato Plants
Not only is temperature an important growth factor, but the spacing for tomato plants can affect their performance as well. Read the following article to learn more about how to properly space tomato plants.
By Amy Grant
Tomatoes With Sclerotinia Stem Rot - How To Treat Tomato Timber Rot
Tomatoes are also hugely popular with fungus, including those responsible for tomato timber rot. What is timber rot of tomatoes? This article explains more and includes tips for the control of Sclerotinia.
By Kristi Waterworth
What Is A White Queen Tomato – Tips For Growing White Queen Tomatoes
Something you learn very quickly when growing tomatoes is that they don't just come in red. One of the most impressive white varieties you can find is the White Queen cultivar. Click here to learn how to grow a White Queen tomato plant.
By Liz Baessler
What Is A Black Ethiopian Tomato: Growing Black Ethiopian Tomato Plants
Tomatoes aren't just red anymore. Black is one criminally underappreciated tomato color, and one of the most satisfying black tomato varieties is the Black Ethiopian. Keep reading to learn more about growing Black Ethiopian tomato plants in the garden.
By Liz Baessler
Red October Tomato Care – How To Grow A Red October Tomato Plant
Nothing at the supermarket can compare to the freshness and taste you get from homegrown tomatoes. There are many varieties you can grow, but if you want a tasty tomato that will keep well, try the Red October. Click this article to learn more.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
What Is Bunchy Top Virus Of Tomato Plants
Bunchy Top Virus of tomatoes may sound like a funny disease, but it's no laughing matter. Find out how to detect Bunchy Top and what you can do about it in this informative article. The health of your tomato plants may depend on it.
By Kristi Waterworth
Illinois Beauty Info: Caring For Illinois Beauty Tomato Plants
The Illinois Beauty tomatoes that may grow in your garden are heavy producers and originated through an accidental cross. These tasty heirloom, open-pollinated tomato plants are excellent for those that might save seeds too. Learn more about growing these tomatoes here.
By Becca Badgett