Sustainable Gardening Guide

What is sustainability? Click here to learn all about environmentally friendly gardening.

A rain barrel in a garden
(Image credit: schulzie / Getty Images)

Learn More About Sustainable Gardening

Sustainability is a word that you hear more and more each year, and with good reason. As we become more conscious of our impact on the Earth, it’s only natural to feel compelled to do something. Luckily, there is something you can do, whether you have a garden, a backyard, or even just kitchen scraps. Sustainable landscaping, regenerative gardening, and environmentally friendly living all fall under that great big umbrella called sustainability.

What is sustainability? It can be planting a pollinator garden to benefit bees, butterflies, and other bugs and animals we rely on so much. It can be growing native plants, either in a garden bed or as a replacement altogether of you water-hungry, pollinator-unfriendly lawn. It can also be composting, going organic, or fostering wildlife habitat. In essence, it can be all kinds of things!

If you’re interested in becoming a sustainable gardener but don’t know how to begin, here are some good jumping off points to start your journey. Click on any of the images below to learn more:

Going Green Starts in the Garden

Each and every one of us can play a key role in keeping our Earth happy and healthy. Whether it’s reducing waste, recycling, or even just walking to work instead of driving, it all starts with taking that first step.

If you’re a gardener, that first step may be easier than you think. You might even be doing it already! Creating an earth conscious, self sustaining garden can be achieved in many different ways. Here’s a look at some of our favorite practices.

The 3 Ethics of Permaculture

If you want a quick breakdown of permaculture, check out the video below featuring permaculture expert and Gardening Know How contributor Andre the Farmer.

Want to Learn Even More About Sustainability?

Discover more about sustainable gardening methods from more experts in the field. From creating butterfly gardens to reusing kitchen scraps, the Gardening Know How Learning Channel is the go-to source for gardeners of all skill levels looking to step their garden game up.

Go Green! Organic Gardening & Eco-Friendly Practices

So what does it actually mean to have an organic garden? Does it stop at avoiding chemicals, or is there more to it than that?

Well, organic gardening practices are better for us, better for the pollinators and wildlife that share our space, and better for the Earth.

Below you’ll find detailed information on organic gardening and other eco-friendly methods for growing a safer, healthier, more sustainable garden.

Explore All of Our FREE Gardening Guides

Creating a sustainable landscape may seem daunting, but it can be so rewarding, both for you and for the planet. But in the bigger picture, any and all types of gardening can, and usually do, benefit the planet. That's why we encourage everyone to take up gardening in a way that works for them. To learn more about dozens of gardening topics and ideas, visit our complete list of free garden guides.