Beneficial Garden Friends
Pollinators, beneficial insects, and wildlife all play key roles in sustainable gardening. Did you know possums are actually good for your yard? Or how bees see flowers? Here you’ll find articles running the gamut from how to start a pollinator garden to how to use chickens as organic pest control.
Beneficial Garden Friends
Butterfly Garden Feeding: How To Feed And Water Butterflies In Gardens
Butterflies are fascinating creatures that bring grace and color to the garden. They are also effective pollinators. A successful butterfly garden requires an understanding of butterfly garden feeding, including water sources. This article will help with that.
By Mary H. Dyer
Butterfly Garden Design: Tips For Attracting Butterflies In Gardens
Attracting butterflies in gardens is easy to do with the right flowering plants. Read this article for information on how to attract butterflies to your garden. Click here to learn more.
By Arista Hageman
What Attracts Purple Martins – Attracting Purple Martins To Your Landscape
If you love to watch birds then you’ll want to attract the entertaining Purple Martin. Keep reading to learn about attracting Purple Martins.
By Amy Grant
Animal Pollinators: Who Are They And What Plants Do They Like
We are all familiar with bees as one of our most important pollinators, but other animals can help as well. Read on for more.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Fall Pollinator Garden: Help Pollinators With Late-Blooming Pollinator Plants
Beautiful fall-blooming pollinator plants are available as both annual and perennial flowers. Read on for tips about fall pollinator plants.
By Tonya Barnett
Pollinator Predators - How To Protect Pollinators And Plants
Bees, butterflies, and other pollinating insects are prey to certain predators. Create and support a healthy pollinator friendly garden to make sure your local population thrives.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
Drought-Tolerant Pollinator Plants - Attract Bees With Native Plants
There are plenty of beautiful drought resistant plants and a slew of native plant garden design options to optimize the pollinator garden.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Cocoon Vs. Chrysalis – What’s The Difference Between A Chrysalis And A Cocoon
How much do you know about a cocoon vs. chrysalis and other butterfly facts? These two words are often used interchangeably but are not the same. Enlighten your friends and family with the fun facts found in this article. Click here for more information.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
Growing Berries That Attract Birds: How To Choose Berries Birds Love
From bluebirds to finches, encouraging colorful feathered friends into the yard can be achieved in a variety of ways, most especially by providing berries birds love. If you’re a bird lover and want more in the backyard, click here for info on planting berries for birds.
By Tonya Barnett
Duck Habitat Safety – What Are Some Plants Ducks Can’t Eat
If you have ducks living in your backyard or around your pond, you may be concerned with their diet. Keeping plants poisonous to ducks away from them is desired. But which plants are unsafe? Click this article to learn about plants harmful to ducks.
By Becca Badgett
Garden Plants Toxic To Chickens: What Plants Are Bad For Chickens
One important aspect of raising chickens is maintaining healthy living environments - ensuring that the flock is always safe. And this includes knowing what plants are bad for chickens, especially when they’re free to roam your property. Learn more here.
By Tonya Barnett
DIY Pumpkin Shell Bird Feeder – Using Recycled Pumpkins For Birds
Many birds migrate south before winter and, if you’re along their route, you might offer a seasonal treat like a pumpkin bird feeder. Learn more here.
By Becca Badgett
Squash Bee Info: Are Squash Bees Good To Have In The Garden
More gardeners need good squash bee information because these honey bee look-alikes are critically important for vegetable gardening. Learn how to identify squash bees, why you want them in your yard, and how to attract and keep them there in this article.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
What Are Digger Bees – Learn About Bees That Dig In The Dirt
The United States is home to approximately 70 species of digger bees, primarily in the western states. Around the world, there are an estimated 400 species of these interesting creatures. So, what’s the dirt on bees that dig? Learn about identifying digger bees here.
By Mary H. Dyer
Insects On Hummer Feeders: What To Do For Hummingbird Pests
Many aid hummingbirds by hanging out feeders filled with sugar-water. But insects on hummer feeders can compete with the beautiful birds for this treat, and there are predators out there that see the hummers as lunch. Learn more in this article.
By Teo Spengler
Bees And Flower Oil - Information On Oil Collecting Bees
Bees collect pollen and nectar from flowers for food to feed the colony, right? Not always. How about oil collecting bees? Never heard of bees that collect oil? The following article contains information about the little known relationship between bees and flower oil.
By Amy Grant
Buying Good Bugs – Should You Purchase Beneficial Insects For Your Garden
Many gardeners prefer organic options for pest control. The use of beneficial insects is one which has shown to be especially popular for growers wishing to take a more natural, hands-off approach. But how do you get these garden friendly bugs into your garden? Find out here.
By Tonya Barnett