Ohio Valley Gardening: What To Do In September Gardens

Gardener Cleaning A Flower Bulb
sept oh
(Image credit: Jurgute)

The Ohio Valley gardening season begins to wind down this month as cooler nights and the threat of early frost descends upon the region. This can leave Ohio Valley gardeners wondering what to do in September. The answer is plenty.

What to Do in September?

Harvesting veggies, collecting flower seeds, and preparing the yard and garden for the upcoming dormant season are just a few of the September gardening tasks which need addressed this month. Here's a few more chores to add to your September regional to-do list: 

Lawn Care

Cooler weather and fall rains can rejuvenate the lawn turning it a healthy green. This makes lawn care an excellent September gardening task to add to the regional to-do list for the Ohio Valley.


September gardening tasks this month includes prepping the flowerbeds for the next year's growing season. Be sure to take the time to enjoy the last few weeks of annual flowers before cold weather ends the Ohio Valley gardening season though.

Vegetable Garden

There's no question of what to do in September in the vegetable garden. Harvest season is peaking, it's time to plant quick-maturing fall crops and prep the garden for the next year.

Miscellaneous Garden Tasks

Ohio Valley gardening begins the transition from outdoor cultivation to gardening inside the house this month. Add these tasks to your regional to-do list to make that transition go smoothly:

Laura Miller

Laura Miller has been gardening all her life. Holding a degree in Biology, Nutrition, and Agriculture, Laura's area of expertise is vegetables, herbs, and all things edible. She lives in Ohio.