November Gardening Tasks: South Central Gardening To-Do List

Garden Tools Next To A Wheelbarrow Full Of Leaves
november sc
(Image credit: artursfoto)

While the beginning of November in the South-Central growing region marks the arrival of frost for some growers, many are still quite busy as they continue to plant and harvest vegetable crops. Learning more about specific November gardening tasks within this zone can help ensure that growers are up to date with their regional to-do list, and that they are better prepared for coming changes in climate.

November Garden Chores

With careful planning and attention to maintenance, growers can easily make use of and enjoy their outdoor spaces throughout the remainder of the year.

  • South Central gardening in November will include many tasks that need to be completed in the edible garden. Both herbs and vegetables are likely to continue producing at this time. While plants sensitive to cold may need to be covered and protected from occasional frosts, hardy vegetables will continue to be harvested and planted in succession. Perennial plants that are frost tender may need to be moved indoors at this time, well before any chance of freezing weather has arrived.
  • As the weather continues to cool, it will be important to take steps in order to prepare flowering shrubs and other perennials for the coming winter. This process includes the removal of any dead, damaged, or diseased foliage from the garden. Mulching with leaves or straw may be required in order to protect more delicate species from winter winds and drops in temperature.
  • November garden chores in flower beds will also include the planting of winter hardy annual flowers. Since these types of flowers prefer to grow under cooler conditions, fall planting is ideal for early bloom in late winter or spring. Popular hardy plants for South Central gardening include pansies, snapdragons, bachelor’s buttons, poppies, and many more.
  • November is also the time to finish planting any spring blooming flower bulbs. Some types, like tulips and hyacinths, may require chilling before planting. Beginning the chilling process in November will help to ensure ample exposure to cold temperatures before bloom in spring.
  • No regional to-do list would be complete without tasks related to garden cleanup and preparation for the next growing season. As the leaves begin to fall, many consider November to be an ideal time to focus on composting. The removal of old, dried plant material from garden beds at this time is likely to help reduce the occurrence of diseases as well as insect presence in subsequent seasons.
  • November is also a good time to finish cleaning garden tools before they are moved into storage. Items which may be damaged by freezing temperatures, such as garden hoses, should also be stored at this time. 
Tonya Barnett

Tonya Barnett has been gardening for 13 years. Flowers are her passion. She has transformed her backyard into a cut flower garden, which she regularly chronicles on her YouTube channel