Zone 3
Zone 3 is one of the coldest climates in the United States. Whether you live in North Dakota or Northern Alaska, we have all the expert advice you need to help your garden survive and thrive in this unique growing zone. Explore below for tips, tricks, and the perfect plants for Zone 3.
Zone 3 Vegetable Gardening: When To Plant Vegetables In Zone 3 Regions
Zone 3 is known for its cold winters and its especially short growing season, which can be a problem for annual plants as well. Click here to learn more about when to plant vegetables in zone 3 and how to get the best out of zone 3 vegetable gardening.
By Liz Baessler
Zone 3 Seed Starting: When To Start Seeds In Zone 3 Climates
Gardening in zone 3 is tricky. The growing season is typically short. Because of this, starting seeds indoors in the spring is pretty much essential with zone 3 gardening. Learn more about how and when to start seeds in zone 3 in this article.
By Liz Baessler
Cold Hardy Shrubs: How To Find Shrubs For Zone 3 Gardens
If your home is in one of the northern states, you may live in zone 3. Temperatures in zone 3 can dip to minus 30 or 40 degrees Fahrenheit, so you'll need to find cold hardy shrubs to populate your garden. This article can help with that.
By Teo Spengler
Cold Hardy Cherry Trees: Suitable Cherry Trees For Zone 3 Gardens
If you live in one of the cooler regions, you might despair of ever growing your own cherry trees, but the good news is that there are many cold-hardy cherry trees suitable for growing in climates with short growing seasons. Click here for zone 3 cherry trees.
By Amy Grant
Zone 3 Vines For Gardens – Learn About Vines That Grow In Cold Regions
Looking for vines that grow in cold regions can be a little discouraging. Vines often have a tropical feel to them, and a corresponding tenderness to cold. Learn about vines that grow in cold regions, particularly hardy vines for zone 3 in this article.
By Liz Baessler
Cold Hardy Clematis Plants: Tips On Growing Clematis In Zone 3
Finding the right clematis vines for zone 3 is essential unless you want to treat them as annuals and sacrifice heavy blooms. Cold hardy clematis do exist, however, and this article can help get you started on suitable options for zone 3 gardens.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Zone 3 Flowering Shrubs – Growing Cold Hardy Flowering Shrubs
If you live in USDA plant hardiness zone 3, your winters can be chilly indeed. But that doesn't mean your garden can't have blossoms aplenty. You can find cold hardy flowering shrubs that will thrive in your region. For more information, click here.
By Teo Spengler
Cold Hardy Deciduous Trees: What Are Good Deciduous Trees For Zone 3
If you live in one of the colder parts of the country, the trees you plant will have to be cold hardy. You may think you are limited to evergreen conifers. However, you also have quite a few cold hardy deciduous trees to choose between. This article will help.
By Teo Spengler
Cold Hardy Japanese Maple Trees – Will Japanese Maples Grow In Zone 3
Japanese maples are lovely trees that add structure and brilliant seasonal color to the garden. Since they rarely exceed a height of 25 feet (7.5 m.), they are perfect for small lots and home landscapes. Take a look at Japanese maples for zone 3 in this article.
By Jackie Carroll
Zone 3 Grasses For Gardens And Lawns: Growing Grass In Cold Climates
Cold climate gardeners in USDA zone 3 can have difficulty finding the right plants that will perform well year-round and survive some of the coldest winters. Zone 3 grasses for gardens are limited, but this article should help.
By Bonnie L. Grant
What Are Some Hardy Trees For Zone 3 Landscapes
Zone 3 is one of the colder zones in the U.S., where winters are long and frigid. Many plants simply won't survive in such harsh conditions. If you're looking for help in choosing hardy trees for zone 3, then this article should help with suggestions.
By Jackie Carroll
Cold Hardy Apples: Choosing Apple Trees That Grow In Zone 3
Dwellers in cooler climates still crave the flavor and satisfaction of growing their own fruit. The good news is that one of the most popular, the apple, has varieties that can take winter temperatures as low as -40, USDA zone 3. Learn more here.
By Amy Grant
Cold Hardy Grapevines – Tips For Growing Grapes In Zone 3
Most grape cultivars won't grow anywhere but in the warmest of the USDA zones, but there are some cold hardy grapevines out there. The following article contains information on growing grapes in zone 3 and recommendations for grapes for zone 3 gardens.
By Amy Grant
Zone 3 Maple Trees: What Are The Best Maples For Cold Climates
Most maple trees prefer the cool temperatures in USDA plant hardiness zones 5 through 9, but a few cold-hardy maples can tolerate sub-zero winters in zone 3. This article has a list of a few of the best maples for cold climates of zone 3.
By Mary H. Dyer
Zone 3 Tree Nuts: What Nut Trees That Grow In Cold Climates
If you're a nut for nuts and live in a colder region, there are some nut trees that grow in cold climates hardy to zone 3. What edible nut trees for zone 3 are available? Click this article to find out about nut trees in zone 3.
By Amy Grant
Ferns For Zone 3 Gardens: Types Of Ferns For Cold Climates
Ferns are one variety of plant that is extremely hardy and adaptable. Not all ferns are cold-hardy, but quite a few are. Learn more about cold-hardy fern plants, specifically garden ferns hardy to zone 3, in this article.
By Liz Baessler
Zone 3 Hydrangea Varieties – Tips On Growing Hydrangeas In Zone 3
Hydrangeas are as popular and widely grown as ever. Even those of us who live in cooler climates can enjoy plenty of varieties of beautiful hydrangeas. Learn about zone 3 hardy hydrangeas in this article. Click here for more info.
By Darcy Larum