Zone 7 Bushes And Shrubs – Choosing Shrubs For Zone 7 Climates

Choosing shrubs for zone 7 gardens is only difficult because of the vast range of appropriate candidates. You’ll find zone 7 bushes and shrubs in all sizes, from groundcover to small trees. If you’d like some suggestions for popular bushes for zone 7 gardens, read on.
Zone 7 Bushes and Shrubs
You’ll find an abundance of riches if you are looking for zone 7 bushes and shrubs. Zone 7 is an area where average winter lows get to between 0 degrees and 10 degrees F. (-18 to -12 C.). This climate pleases both evergreens and deciduous shrubs. When you are choosing shrubs for zone 7, you’ll face a number of preliminary decisions. First is the issue of whether you prefer the year-round texture evergreen shrubs offer or the autumn color some deciduous plants provide. You’ll also need to think about size. Do you want dwarf plants that grow beyond a foot or two (31-61 cm.) tall? Short shrubs or medium bushes for hedges? Another issue is whether to buy something exotic or stick with native bushes for zone 7? Here are some ideas to get you started.
Popular Bushes for Zone 7
When you are growing shrubs in zone 7, you’ll definitely want to consider evergreens. These plants are often conifers with needles in deep shades of green and green blue. Junipers thrive in zone 7, and will fill your evergreen needs, whether you are choosing shrubs for zone 7 for groundcover, specimens, or hedges. Most junipers like sun and well-drained soil. The Juniperus chinensis is a good dwarf plant to consider. It usually stays around 3 feet (91 cm.) tall. Or consider holly, a shrub that shouldn’t be relegated to decking the halls for holidays. These bushes for zone 7 are broad leafed evergreens and you can find hollies in various sizes. Their leaves are shiny, and many hollies produce the bright berries beloved by wild birds. Many bushes grow well in zone 7, but native shrubs will likely require less maintenance than imports. Native shrubs are plants that are already used to the habitat. American highbush cranberry, for example, not only offers lovely leaves and blossoms, but also edible berries all summer long. Even if you have a small garden, you’ll have room for "Alfredo." It doesn’t grow any taller than 6 feet (2 m.). Plant these natives in well-drained soil. If you want the frothy flowers but prefer taller zone 7 bushes, consider mountain laurel. Laurel dishes out generous clusters of pink blossoms through midsummer. The shrubs are evergreen and like cool, acidic soil. Azalea is a great choice for gardeners growing shrubs in zone 7. While some azaleas are evergreen, flame azalea is deciduous, with an attractive, relaxed form. Its fiery-hued blooms are wildly fragrant and appear in late spring. Or go for French mulberry, an outstanding pick for anyone choosing shrubs for zone 7. It lights up your fall garden with bright purple (edible!) berries on high, straight stems. Give these American natives a location with full sun or dappled shade.
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Teo Spengler has been gardening for 30 years. She is a docent at the San Francisco Botanical Garden. Her passion is trees, 250 of which she has planted on her land in France.