Zone 9, 10 & 11
Zones 9, 10, and 11 are some of the warmest growing zones in the U.S. Gardeners in these zones can grow many plants other gardeners can only dream of. Explore our expert advice, ideas, and inspiration below to start growing the warm climate garden of your dreams.
Zone 9 Nut Trees: What Nut Trees Grow In Zone 9 Regions
If you're nuts about nuts, you might be considering adding a nut tree to your landscape. Live in zone 9? There are plenty of nut trees suited for this region. Click here to find out what nut trees grow in zone 9 and other information regarding zone 9 nut trees.
By Amy Grant
Common Zone 9 Bulbs – Growing Bulbs In Zone 9 Gardens
There are many bulbs that grow in zone 9 that can stand a bit of cold and bloom in a hot summer. Many of the common zone 9 bulbs are old favorites in the region and reflect a time gone by when life was slow and simple. Learn more in this article.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Zone 9 Perennials: Growing Zone 9 Perennial Plants In The Garden
Many plants grown as annuals in cooler climates grow happily year round in zone 9 where temperatures rarely, if ever, dip below the freezing point. The list of perennial plants in zone 9 is nearly endless, but here is a brief rundown on a few favorites.
By Mary H. Dyer
Zone 9 Full Sun Plants: Growing Plants And Shrubs For Zone 9 Sun Gardens
With its mild winters, zone 9 can be a haven for plants. Once the summer rolls around, however, things can sometimes heat up too much. Learn more about choosing plants and shrubs for zone 9 sun exposure in the article that follows.
By Liz Baessler
Zone 9 Tropical Plants: Tips On Growing Tropical Gardens In Zone 9
Because zone 9 is mostly a subtropical climate, it?s necessary to select tropical plants that are hardy in zone 9 and grow non-hardy tropical plants as annuals. Click on the article that follows to learn about growing tropical gardens in zone 9.
By Darcy Larum
Zone 9 Hops: Tips On Growing Hops In Zone 9
Most hops production is done in moist, temperate regions which makes it challenging to find hops plants for zone 9. However, growing hops in a partial sun location and careful selection of species can also help zone 9 growers find success with hops plants. Learn more here.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Zone 9 Bamboo Varieties – Growing Bamboo Plants In Zone 9
Growing bamboo plants in zone 9 provides a tropical feel with rapid growth. There are many bamboo varieties for zone 9. Just be certain you have room for some of the larger types and a barrier strategy if you opt for a running species. Learn more here.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Zone 9 Avocados: Tips On Growing Avocados In Zone 9
Do avocados grow in zone 9? What varieties of avocados trees will do best in zone 9? Click this article to find out about the possibility of growing avocados in zone 9 and other information about zone 9 avocados.
By Amy Grant
Zone 9 Plants For Shade – Learn About Shady Zone 9 Plants And Shrubs
Shade plants are an invaluable addition to many gardens and backyards. Click this article to learn more about growing shady zone 9 plants and shrubs, and picking out the most common zone 9 plants for shade gardens.
By Liz Baessler
Olives For Zone 9 – How To Grow Olive Trees In Zone 9
Whether you want to grow an olive for the fruit, to press for oil or simply as an ornamental, there are plenty of options for zone 9 olive trees. Interested in olives for zone 9? Click this article to find out about growing and caring for olives in zone 9.
By Amy Grant
Zone 9 Lilac Care: Growing Lilacs In Zone 9 Gardens
Lilacs are a spring staple in cool climates but many varieties, like the classic common lilac, require a cold winter to produce buds for the following spring. Can lilacs grow in zone 9? Happily, some cultivars can. Find the top zone 9 lilac varieties in this article.
By Teo Spengler
Growing Onions In Zone 9 – Choosing Onions For Zone 9 Gardens
All onions are not created equal. Some prefer longer days with cooler weather while others prefer shorter days of heat. That means that there's an onion for nearly every region, including hot weather onions suited for USDA zone 9. Learn more in this article.
By Amy Grant
Growing Lavender In Zone 9 – Best Lavender Varieties For Zone 9
Many varieties of lavender do well in regions of zone 9 with hot, dry summers and mild winters, like much of Southern California. But even in difficult areas like the American South, there are lavender varieties that do well. Click here to learn more.
By Ilana Goldowitz Jimenez
Hot Weather Potato Varieties: Tips For Growing Potatoes In Zone 9
Home gardeners, wherever they may live, would like to try their hands at growing their own spuds. The thing is, potatoes are a cool season crop, so what about potatoes for say, zone 9? Are there hot weather potato varieties suitable? Find out in this article.
By Amy Grant
Zone 9 Orange Trees: How To Grow Oranges In Zone 9
USDA Zone 9 gardeners can look forward to a growing season that starts in late February and lasts through the month of December. Also, rain is plentiful along with hot summers and sunshine too, making zone 9 orange trees an easy addition in the garden. Learn more here.
By Amy Grant
Hummingbird Plants For Zone 9 – Growing Hummingbird Gardens In Zone 9
Not only are hummingbirds beautiful, they are also important pollinators. Attracting hummingbirds to the garden ensures that narrow tubed flowers can be pollinated. Click the following article to learn how to attract hummingbirds in zone 9.
By Darcy Larum
Zone 9 Evergreen Shade Plants: Growing Evergreen Shade Plants In Zone 9
Evergreens are versatile plants that retain their leaves and add color to the landscape year round. Choosing evergreen plants is a piece of cake, but finding suitable shade plants for zone 9's warm climate is a bit trickier. This article has suggestions to help.
By Mary H. Dyer