Gardening Tips & Information
There are many types of gardens, vast numbers of plants, and an unrelenting list of gardening terms that may be unfamiliar to the average person. With so much garden design info out there, how on earth does one begin to weed it all out? Well, for starters you can begin your search here. We provide gardening tips and information that is easy to understand. From various types of gardens to explanations about gardening terms and how tos, you are certain to find what you’re looking for. If not, let us know and we’ll be happy to add it.
Best Ways To Rake The Leaves – Save Time & Your Back
Is raking the leaves your least favorite autumn chore? There may be better and less painful ways to do it.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Cannibalistic Caterpillars: Why Caterpillars Eat Each Other
Everybody has to eat, and in the case of some caterpillars, that can mean turning on each other. Learn about the plants that can drive caterpillars to cannibalism.
By Amy Grant
Why You Shouldn’t Make Impulse Plant Purchases
Put that plant back! Buying plants on impulse is almost never a good idea. Let our experts tell you why.
By Teo Spengler
What Is An Ecosystem? How Your Garden Is An Ecosystem
Your garden has its own ecosystem and it includes you! Harmonious relationships exist even at microscopic levels.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
7 Worst Social Media Garden Trends To Avoid
Put down the phone and pick up the trowel! Avoid these 7 social media garden trends that hurt plants more than they help.
By Bonnie L. Grant
What Are Pollinizers And How Do They Affect Crops?
Good to know: A pollinizer is a plant that provides pollen; a pollinator is a creature that transfers pollen from one plant to another.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
Electroculture Gardening Basics & Techniques
Have you heard of electroculture gardening? Learn about how electricity may serve a purpose in our gardens.
By Amy Grant
Is It Too Late To Plant A Garden This Fall?
If you’ve ever wondered if it was too cold to plant vegetables or other plants, you’ve come to the right place. Click here for more.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Tree Marking Color Code – What Do Marks On Trees Mean?
Those paint marks on trees are used to mark boundaries, tag for harvesting and denote ownership. Click here to learn more.
By Susan Albert
How To Build A Raised Garden Bed For Cheap
Raised garden beds don’t have to cost a lot, and can sometimes be built with what’s already available. Read on for ideas.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Problems With Summer Pollen: Plants That Cause Summer Allergies
Spring isn’t the only time you can expect hay fever. Summer plants can aggravate allergies too. Learn about common summer allergy triggers here.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Learn About The Principles Of Permaculture
Permaculture is all about doing the right thing. Click here to learn all about the 3 ethics of permaculture form Andre the Farmer.
By Andre Baptiste
What Are Microclimates?
Ever noticed that shady gardens stay snowy longer? Or spots against a wall stay warm? Those are microclimates. Click to learn more.
By Andre Baptiste
5 Ways To Get Free Plants For Your Garden
Free plants! Rather than paying sky-high prices, learn 5 ways to source plants that just need a little boost and some TLC.
By Teo Spengler
Regrow Kitchen Scraps and Grocery Store Produce
Create a no waste kitchen. Did you know you can regrow produce? Click to learn about regrowing avocados, green onions, and pineapples.
By Armen Adamjan
How To Make Homemade Baby Food Fresh From The Garden
Learn to make the freshest and safest baby food from homegrown garden vegetables. Your baby will love it.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
What Is Sustainable Gardening?
What is sustainable gardening? Click here to learn everything there is to know about sustainability in gardening.
By Caroline Bloomfield