Soil, Fixes & Fertilizers
Knowing how soil affects plant growth is important to growing a successful garden. Healthy soil means healthy plants. That said, it helps to learn about the different types of soil textures and how each can affect the garden. In addition, knowing about the various types of fertilizers for soil enhancement can help you learn how to improve soil health for growing healthy, happy plants. In the pages that follow, you will find numerous types of fertilizers to improve soil health and everything you need to know about the different types of soil.
Chemical Fertilizers: Giving Plants A Boost With Conventional Fertilizer
Fertilizers may not make your plants grow but they do provide them with additional nutrients, giving plants an extra boost when needed. Deciding which one to use can be overwhelming. This article will help.
By Nikki Tilley
Ashes In the Garden: Using Ashes In The Garden
Can you compost wood ashes? You can, but there are things you should know beforehand. Read this article to learn more about wood ash uses in the garden and in compost.
By Heather Rhoades
Tips To Sterilize Potting Soil, Garden Soil And Soil For Seeds
Since soil can harbor pests, diseases, and weed seeds, it's always a good idea to sterilize garden soil before planting to ensure the most optimal growth and health of your plants. This article will help.
By Nikki Tilley
Boron In Soil: The Effects Of Boron On Plants
For the conscientious home gardener, boron deficiency in plants should not be a problem. But, once in awhile, a boron deficiency in plants does occur. This article can help when it does.
By Jackie Rhoades
Lasagna Gardening - Creating A Garden With Layers
Lasagna gardening is a method of building a garden bed without double digging or tilling. How do you make a lasagna garden? Find more information and help with getting started.
By Jackie Rhoades
What Makes Soil Alkaline - Plants And Tips For Fixing Alkaline Soil
Just like the human body can be alkaline or acidic, so can soil. Most people are familiar with acidic soil, but exactly what is alkaline soil? Read this article for information on what makes soil alkaline.
By Susan Patterson
Soil Temperature Gauges - Tips For Determining Current Soil Temperatures
Learning how to check soil temperature will help the home gardener know when to start sowing seeds. Knowledge of what is soil temperature is important for composting too. This article will explain more.
By Nikki Tilley
What Is Kelp Meal: Tips For Using Kelp Seaweed Fertilizer On Plants
When you're looking for an organic fertilizer for the garden, consider taking advantage of the beneficial nutrients found in kelp seaweed. Kelp meal fertilizer is becoming popular. Learn more here.
By Amy Grant
What Is Organic Material: Examples Of Organic Material For Gardening
Soil is important. Without the right nutrients and conditioners, your plants won't thrive. Organic material will help, and you can learn more here.
By Anne Baley
Homemade Plant Food: Organic Plant Food Recipes To Make At Home
Plant fertilizer often has chemicals that not only may harm your plants, but are not environmentally friendly. For this reason, many gardeners are making plant food themselves. Learn how in this article.
By Amy Grant
What Is Superphosphate : Do I Need Superphosphate In My Garden
Phosphorus drives flowering and fruiting. Fruiting or blooming plants can be encouraged to produce more of either if given superphosphate. What is superphosphate? Click this article to learn what it is and how to apply superphosphate.
By Bonnie L. Grant
What Is Urea: Tips On Feeding Plants With Urine
Can urine be used as a fertilizer? As a matter of fact, it can, and its use can improve your organic garden's growth at no cost. This article has tips and information for using urea fertilizer.
By Jackie Rhoades
Fixing Your Soil When Soil Is Too Acidic
What causes acid soil? There are many things that can cause the soil to be too acidic. Learn what those are and how to fix the problem of too much acid in the soil in the following article.
By Heather Rhoades
What Is Foliar Spray: Learn About Different Types Of Foliar Spraying
Foliar spray fertilizer is a good way to supplement the nutritional needs of your plants. There are various types of foliar spraying options, and this article will help with choosing the right one for you.
By Susan Patterson
Nitrogen Nodules And Nitrogen Fixing Plants
Nitrogen for plants is vital to the success of a garden. Most plants rely on the addition of nitrogen to the soil but a few plants are able to draw nitrogen gas from the air and store it in their roots. Learn more here.
By Heather Rhoades
How To Till A Garden: Tilling Your Soil
These days, tilling dirt is a matter of personal choice. This article focuses on those wishing to know when and how to till a garden on a yearly basis, so read on for more information.
By Heather Rhoades
Foliar Feeding With Calcium: How To Make Your Own Calcium Fertilizer
Foliar feeding with calcium may make the difference between a bumper crop of fruit/veggies to blossom end rot or bitter produce. Learn more about making and using a calcium foliar spray in this article.
By Amy Grant