Gardening Tools
Be a tool expert in your garden. Each gardening tool serves a different purpose, so it's a good idea to know about the right tool for the job. Learn which is which, and how to care for them when you're finished prodding, digging, clipping, hoeing or just having fun in the garden.
Gardening Tools
Choosing Shovels For Gardens: What Shovel Do You Need For Gardening
Correctly choosing and using shovels in the garden is important. Choosing the right type of shovel for the job will help you work more effectively and avoid injuries. It will also provide better results for your garden. This article will help make your selection easier.
By Ilana Goldowitz Jimenez
Using Garden Shears – How And When To Use Shears In The Garden
When it comes to using garden shears, choosing the right pair is essential. Unfortunately, selecting from the many different kinds of shears on the market these days can be overwhelming, especially if you aren't sure exactly what type you need. This article will help.
By Nikki Tilley
Garden Hose Information: Learn About Using Hoses In The Garden
A garden hose is an important and necessary tool for anyone with a yard or garden. Choose the right one for your particularl gardening needs.
By Darcy Larum
Garden Trowel Information: What Is A Trowel Used For In Gardening
By Darcy Larum
What Are Garden Scissors Used For – Learn How To Use Scissors In The Garden
There are many uses for garden scissors vs. pruning shears. What are garden scissors used for specifically? Use the information found in this article to find out how to use scissors in the garden. Click here to learn more.
By Amy Grant
What Is A Long Handled Shovel: Garden Uses For Long Handled Shovels
The uses for long-handled shovels are many and both your garden and your back will thank you. What is a long-handled shovel? When to use long handles shovels? If you are unclear about where to stand on the long- vs. short-handled shovel debate, click here.
By Teo Spengler
Lawn Mowing Equipment: What Are The Different Kinds Of Lawn Mowers
In addition to regularly purchasing fertilizers, herbicides and seed for overseeding, homeowner's desiring a perfect lawn may also have to invest in a good quality lawn mower. Understanding your lawn mowing options is important. This article will help with that.
By Darcy Larum
Help, My Garden Tools Are Rusted: How To Clean Rusty Garden Tools
After a long season of garden projects and chores, sometimes we forget to give our tools a good cleaning and proper storage. When we return to our garden sheds in spring, we find some of our favorite garden tools are rusted. Learn how to clean rusty garden tools here.
By Darcy Larum
Tools For Lefties: Learn About Garden Tools For Left Handers
Much of the world is designed for those who are right-handed, but there are left-handed gardeners and left-handed garden tools. Learn about them here.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
Winterizing Power Tools – Tips For Storing Power Lawn Tools
Temperatures often dictate when we can start or finish chores in the garden. This includes storing power lawn tools that we won’t be using for a few months. Find tips for winterizing lawn mowers, trimmers, blowers, and other gas- or electric-powered equipment here.
By Becca Badgett
Different Garden Hoes – Learn How To Use A Hoe For Gardening
A hoe is an important tool for any serious gardener, but did you know that there are multiple types of garden hoes? Some are better for specific jobs, while others are designed for bigger or smaller spaces. This article will help with choosing the right hoe for the job.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
What Is A Hand Pruner: Different Types Of Hand Pruners For Gardening
It's not surprising that sorting through the many different types of hand pruners can be mind-boggling, but it's important to choose the best tool for the job. Knowing when to use them and using appropriate pruners makes the job easier. Learn more here.
By Mary H. Dyer
Winter Garden Tool Storage: How To Clean Garden Tools For Winter
When cold weather is coming and your garden is winding down, a good question arises: What will become of all your garden tools? Learn about winter garden tool maintenance and how to clean garden tools for winter in this article.
By Liz Baessler
What Is A Garden Spade – Garden Spade Uses And Tips
Your garden spade is one of the most used tools in the landscape. What do you use a garden spade for? The answer is more complex than it may seem with this versatile tool. In this article, we'll break down the spade's uses and some selection criteria.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Hats For Gardeners – How To Choose The Best Gardening Hat
While working in the garden can be good for you, it is still important to consider risk factors associated with doing so. Among these, consistent and prolonged exposure to the sun should be taken into account. And that includes wearing a hat. Learn more here.
By Tonya Barnett
How To Use A Wall Of Water To Extend The Growing Season
Click here to learn how to use a wall of water to extend the growing season and to protect plants for cold weather.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
Drones And Gardening: Information On Using Drones In The Garden
Drones and gardening are a match made in heaven. What can using drones in the garden help with? The following article contains information on gardening with drones, how to use drones for gardening, and other interesting facts about these garden quadcopters.
By Amy Grant