Glossary- Gardening Terms
Information About Gardening Glossary
incomplete flower
A flower that is missing one of the following – sepals, petals, stamens, and pistils.
A plant that produces fruit continuously. This term is typically used when talking about varieties of tomatoes.
indoor gardening
Gardening inside a structure, typically a home. This term frequently refers to caring for houseplants, but can also refer to doing more traditional styles of gardening, such as vegetable gardening, inside a building.
A substance that kills insects.
A trace metal that is needed for proper plant growth. Iron deficiencies in plants can result in yellowing of the leaves.
iron chlorosis
A yellowing of the leaves caused by the plant getting too little iron.
Japanese gardening
Following the methods of Japanese gardens, such as formally pruned trees, garden paths, and pleasant vistas.
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keyhole gardening
A method of permaculture gardening that makes the best of tight space and limited water supply to produce the most food crops. The name comes from the “keyhole” shape of the layout.
kitchen garden
Also known as a potager garden. These gardens are grown near the kitchen and provide easy access to fruits, vegetables, and herbs that are grown there.
A structure, typically made of thin strips of wood, that helps shade plants from direct sunlight.
A method of plant propagation where a branch or stem is encourages to grow roots while still attached to the parent plant. The term refers to the fact that frequently the branch is “layered” under dirt.
When water washes away the essential nutrients from soil.
leaf mold
Compost that s made up entirely of decomposed leaves.
Abnormally long growth on a plant that causes it to be floppy. Frequently caused by lack of sufficient sunlight.
lime sulfur
A fungicide and miticide made up of calcium and sulfur. It is highly corrosive and should be handled carefully.
A mineral added to the soil that helps to raise the pH.
limey soil
Soil that has a high concentration of limestone or lime, and because of this, typically has a high pH.
Considered to be one of the best kinds of soil, it contains a near equal mix of clay, silt, sand and organic material.
low light plant
Indoor plants that need less than 4 hours of light to grow properly.