Dracaena Plants
Spectacular dracaena plants are grown everywhere from the living room to the garden. They come in so many shapes and sizes, and are all beautiful with their tropical flair in pots or in the ground. Hardiest in zones 7-10, they can grow up to 20 feet high. Bring some drama to your garden.
Dracaena Plant Problems: What To Do When Dracaena Has Black Stem
Dracaena are lovely tropical houseplants that can help set a calm and peaceful mood in your home. These plants are usually carefree, but a number of problems can weaken them such as black stems on a dracaena plant. Click this article to learn more.
By Jackie Carroll
Dragon Tree Plant Care – Tips On Growing A Dracaena Dragon Tree
The Madagascar dragon tree is a fantastic container plant that has earned a rightful place in many temperate climate homes and tropical gardens. Learn more about dragon tree plant care and how to grow a red-edged dracaena plant in this article.
By Liz Baessler
Dracaena Winter Care – Can You Grow A Dracaena In Winter
While many people choose to grow the plant outdoors as an annual, the plant can also be overwintered and enjoyed for many growing seasons to come, even by those living beyond the plant’s growing zone. Learn more about keeping dracaena in winter here.
By Tonya Barnett
Dracaena Plant Irrigation Guide: Learn When To Water Dracaenas
In order for plants to truly thrive, it is important to take specific watering requirements into consideration. With a few simple guidelines, even a garden novice can enjoy beautiful dracaena houseplants. How much water does dracaena need? Click here to learn more.
By Tonya Barnett
Dracaena Cutting Propagation – Learn How To Root Dracaena Cuttings
Dracaena is one of the most popular of houseplants. Growing dracaena from cuttings is a great way to rejuvenate an older plant, to get new plants for your home, or to share with friends. Learn how to root dracaena cuttings in this article.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
Is Dracaena Toxic To Pets: What To Do For A Dog Or Cat Eating Dracaena
Dracaena is a genus of very attractive plants that are especially popular as houseplants. But when we bring plants into the house, sometimes our pets think we've laid out a salad bar for them. Learn more about dracaena pet poisoning in the following article.
By Liz Baessler
Is This Dracaena Or Yucca – How To Tell A Yucca From A Dracaena
So you’ve been given a plant with spiky leaves but no further information, including the name of the plant. It looks familiar, rather like a dracaena or yucca, but how can you tell which it is? Click this article to find out how to tell a yucca from a dracaena plant.
By Amy Grant
Types Of Dracaena: Learn About Different Dracaena Plants
Dracaena is a popular houseplant for many reasons, not least of which is the spectacular foliage that comes in a number of shapes, colors, sizes, and even patterns, like stripes. There are many different dracaena plant varieties available. This article provides some of them.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
Dracaena Fragrans Info: Learn How To Grow A Corn Plant
Dracaena corn plant is a well-known indoor plant, especially popular for its beauty and easy growing habit. The plant, which grows happily in a variety of conditions with little attention, is a favorite of novice gardeners. Learn how to grow a corn plant here.
By Mary H. Dyer
Dracaena Bonsai Care: How To Train A Dracaena As A Bonsai
Dracaenas are a large family of plants prized for their ability to thrive indoors. While many gardeners are happy to just to keep their dracaenas as houseplants, it’s possible to make things much more interesting by training them as bonsai trees. Learn how in this article.
By Liz Baessler
Treating Sick Dracaenas – How To Manage Diseases Of Dracaena Plants
Dracaena varieties are among the most favorite and beloved of houseplants. So when your best dracaena starts to flounder, you want to know what’s wrong and what you can do about it. This article can help with that. Click here for information on treating sick dracaenas.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
How Is Dracaena Propagated: Learn About Propagating Dracaena Plants
Dracaena plants are loved for their carefree growth habit and their ability to thrive under the care of even novice gardeners. In addition to being exceptionally easy to maintain, propagating dracaena plants is also quite simple. Learn how to propagate them here.
By Tonya Barnett
Common Dracaena Problems – What’s Wrong With My Dracaena Plant
Dracaenas are palm-like trees and shrubs that are often grown as houseplants. Dracaenas are usually tough, carefree houseplants. But you may experience problems with dracaena plants from time to time. Click here for common dracaena problems and how to help.
By Teo Spengler
Potted Dracaena Pairings – Learn About Plants That Work Well With Dracaena
As common as spider plants and philodendron, is the houseplant dracaena. But dracaena, with its dramatic upright foliage, also works well with other plants as a complementary accent. What companions are suited for dracaena? The following article will answer that.
By Amy Grant
Dracaena Leaves Are Brown – What Causes Brown Leaves On Dracaena Plants
While few problems plague this popular plant, brown leaves on Dracaena are fairly common. The reasons range from cultural to situational and into pest or disease issues. Click on the following article for a diagnosis on why your Dracaena's leaves are turning brown.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Pruning Dracaena Plants: Tips For Dracaena Trimming
Depending on the cultivar, dracaena may reach heights of up to 10 feet or even more, which means regular dracaena trimming will probably be necessary. The good news is that pruning dracaena plants isn't difficult. This article will help get you started.
By Mary H. Dyer
Song Of India Dracaena – How To Grow Variegated Song Of India Plants
Dracaena is a popular houseplant because it is easy to grow and very forgiving of novice gardeners. A variegated dracaena plant, like the Song of India dracaena, for instance, gives you beautiful, multicolored foliage. Learn about this dracaena in the following article.
By Mary Ellen Ellis