Whether you've just gotten your first houseplant or are a seasoned plant parent, we've got all the tips you need.
Explore Houseplants
Care For Flaming Katy: Growing Flaming Katy Indoors And Out
Flaming Katy is a lovely kalanchoe to add to your succulent collection. To enjoy the “flaming” red flowers, learn all there is to know about Flaming Katy plant care.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Parlor Palm Houseplants: How To Care For A Parlor Palm Plant
The old-fashioned easy-to-grow parlor palm makes a lovely, dramatic statement in low-light conditions or shady outdoor spots.
By Liz Baessler
How Long Do Orchids Live? And How To Extend Their Lifespan
When well cared for, orchids can prove a long-term investment. Discover the lifespan of popular species, and how to prolong your enjoyment of your plant.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
6 Shower Plants To Transform Your Boring Bathroom Into A Rainforest
Create a tropical vibe in your bathroom with shower plants. Some plants crave humidity and filtered light and would love to shower with you.
By Amy Grant
No Peace Lily Blooms? Expert Tips For More Flowers
How to make a peace lily bloom again can be puzzling, but there’s a reason the one you bought from the store has a bloom that doesn’t seem easy to repeat.
By Bonnie L. Grant
How To Prune Pothos For A Bigger, Bushier Plant
If you own one of these popular vining houseplants, knowing how to prune pothos will keep it bushier, healthier and more attractive.
By Raffaele Di Lallo
Orchid Leaves Turning Yellow: Common Causes And Remedies
Yellow orchid leaves are a frequent cause of concern for indoor gardeners. Discover how to diagnose the issue, and restore your plant to full health.
By Melanie Griffiths
How To Grow And Care For Prayer Plants: Everything You Need To Know
Most people are familiar with how to grow prayer plants. The prayer plant is easy to grow but has specific needs. Learn what those needs are in this article, including tips for propagating these plants.
By Amy Grant
How Often Do Orchids Bloom? And How To Encourage More Frequent Flowers
If you're impatiently waiting for your orchid to rebloom, it pays to understand its natural flowering cycle. Discover common bloom times, and how to increase frequency.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
How To Grow Guzmania – Caring For Beautiful Blooming Bromeliads
Gorgeous guzmania plants are colorful and dramatic and can light up a room, but it’s good to get familiar with what they need to thrive.
By Susan Patterson
Are Peace Lilies Toxic To Cats? What You Need To Know
Your peace lily and cats aren’t a perfect combination, but these plants are not necessarily deadly for cats. If your cat eats a peace lily it will cause irritation but probably won't prove fatal.
By Mary H. Dyer
Care Instructions For Ponytail Palm - Tips For Growing Ponytail Palms
In recent years the ponytail palm tree has become a popular houseplant, and it is easy to see why. Ponytail palm is forgiving and easy in its care. Learn more caring for the plant in this article.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
How Often To Water Orchids – The Definitive Guide
Orchids are too often victims of under and over-watering. Discover how often popular species need to be watered and the key signs to look for.
By Amy Grant
Umbrella Plant Propagation: A Complete How-To Guide
Propagating cuttings from schefflera plants is a simple and inexpensive way to create a collection of impressive plants for gifts or home décor. Learn more rooting schefflera cuttings in this article.
By Anne Baley
Japanese Aralia Care: How To Grow Fatsia Japonica
The large, showy, tropical leaves may imply that Japanese aralia care is a challenge, but given the right environment, it’s a show-stopper and easy to grow.
By Jackie Carroll
White Spots On Jade Leaves: How To Get Rid Of White Spots On Jade Plants
White spots on jade plants signal the need for some attention and treatment, but do they appear as dots, fuzz or overall whitewash? Learn which is which.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Modern Houseplants That Elevate Any Contemporary Home
Try these 6 houseplants to pair with your modern style home.
By Tonya Barnett