Ideas & Inspiration
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My First Philodendron
What was my first plant I remember growing? Where did I grow it and what did I know at that time about growing it? Click here to find out.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
Passionate For Penstemon
It's hard for someone who loves plants to pick a favorite. There are just so many! But here's my best shot.
By Amy Grant
My Favorite Gardening Book
Click here to find out what my favorite gardening book is, and why.
By Laura Miller
Going Nature-al
I think home gardening and nature-al consciousness may be our best response to the current ills of the world.
By Teo Spengler
Cultivating the Future: A Sensory Therapeutic Garden For Special Education
Meet Mr. Steven Rude, a school psychologist in the LA school district, and get to know his extraordinary garden.
By Caroline Bloomfield
Sickly Lawn Into Healthy Turf
I learned to diagnose turf grass problems. Too much shade was easy, but root-eating grubs like to hide. Click to read more.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
Roses Are Red, Violets Are…
Many flowers are named after a color, and many colors are named after flowers. Even lilacs.
By Amy Grant
Not Pruning Is A Mistake
I try to be unafraid of pruning a thinning or leggy plant or bush, since pruning makes for a healthier, fuller plant.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
Ebony Blooms
I love black flowers and was happy that my black tulip bulbs survived a move to a different climate zone. Click to read more.
By Bonnie Grant
Spring Woodland Wildflowers Of Michigan
Click here and I will share with you not one, but several, of my most favorite native plants that grow in my home state of Michigan.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
My Garden Is My Sanctuary, And More
My garden is my sanctuary, but it’s also so much more than that. Read on to learn what I mean by that.
By Nikki Tilley
Plant No Seed Before It's Time
Read about my ongoing problem of being prematurely excited about starting my garden seedlings.
By Bonnie Grant
2023 Garden Resolutions
Click here to find out what resolutions I have in the garden for 2023.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
Kinder Youth Gardens
By Caroline Bloomfield
My Desk Plant
I have to have plants in every room, even the small ones and the ones that get very little light. Read on for more.
By Bonnie Grant
Living Healthy. Simplified.
Living Healthy Simplified uses gardens to teach about nature, planting food, foraging, cooking, art, mental health, and much more!
By Caroline Bloomfield
Unity Gardens - The Best Of Humankind
It's a challenge to describe Unity Gardens' Sara Stewart. Perhaps a good start would be to mention that she's won a Best of Humankind award.
By Caroline Bloomfield